"Be Careful With Your Glasses"

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"Everyone's here?"

The other Reapers stood tall, with their back straight and their death scythe on their left hip side. "I'm William T. Spears," The tall reaper, with green eyes, brown hair moved back and glasses. "in charge of coaching newcomers this year." He pushed his glasses up. "I'll be your mentor during your internship. Feel free to ask me if there's anything you don't understand." William walks to stop next to the board and look at the new reapers. 

"My working hours are until 6pm. If you come at 5:30, l would still accommodate. So first," A humming interrupted him. William sigh in annoyance. He looked to his left and saw who the owner of the humming was. "Grell Sutcliff" Sitting on a chair, leaning on to a desk, sat a red reaper, fixing his nails. "Aren't you an instructor as well?" William asked him. "I'm not interested in kids." Grell said, while looking at his red nails. "But I come here because of you!" Grell ran up and cuddled up to William. Grell starts to blush. "It's been so long since we got together, i'm so happy~" William rolled his eyes. The red reaper does know he has someone, right? "Will~" Grell poked his shoulder. William pushed grell off of him. "Really, what are those people at HR thinking..." William closed his eyes. "Eh~~ You're still as cold as ever, it's amazing." Grell smiled, showing his pointy shark like teeth. "Well then, l'll take you for a tour of the dispatch first." William said to the new reapers.

 As they walked down the hall, Grell stayed behind, his hands behind his back, as he looked down, bored out of his mind. "Shinigamis need to review people who're about to die. According to the soul retrieval list from our superiors. Examine every person's cinematic record with the death scythe. The cinematic record plays an archive for that person's entire lifetime. It has to be verified. To determine if that person deserve to die and reap his soul." "Is there someone who doesn't?" Asked the new reaper. William stops, and turns his head a bit to his left. "Humans who're beneficial to the world. If that person's existence can change the world drastically. Then he is removed from the list and therefore escape death. But that usually does not happen. We perform the verification just in case. Obeying superiors order -with subtlety. Discreetly." William started to walk but before he could open a door, Grell's yelling stopped him. "Hey William! I see your wife! She looks fabulous in red by the way." William and the new reapers turn to see a wavy browned hair and gray eyes. She is in a short red dress, with line patterns and sleeves. 

The new reapers felt their heart speed up, and their eyes wide as they continued to look at her. Grell was gushing over how she looks great in red but thinks that he can pull it off better. William stared in awe at how beautiful she is. That's when he realized that she was walking towards him. Her red heels clicked on the floor as she stared forward at her husband. William shook his head and realized that the boys were looking at her. "Ahem." He coughed. The boys snapped out of it, while Grell was telling his wife how he loved the dress and asked when he could borrow it. She smiled at him and said sure. 

She looked over at the boys, who are now looking down at the floor, not making a move to make their instructor angry. That was then when she looked into William's eyes, he was glaring at them. The woman chuckled. Her husband can be so jealous and possessive. She kissed Williams cheek and he blushed. "Hello my dear Husband." She greeted. "Hello Samantha darling." "I see your showing around the new recruits." He nodded. "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting," "Oh, its no problem sammie! You should visit any time!" Grell said, still looking over her dress. Samantha chuckled. She looked at the new reapers. "I'm Samantha Spears, proud wife of William here. I'm in charge over the The Reaper Department, which you'll see in your tour." William looked at his wife, puffing out his chest in pride. "Wow!" The boys awed. Sam waved her hand, as if it wasn't that cool. "I must be going now, they need me to check over a few things." Before she left, she kissed William on the lips, leaving him blushing. 'I'll get you for this Samantha' He thought.

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