Alien Undies

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Summary: Taehyung and Jungkook get matching underwear and decide to show the rest of Bangtan.
Word Count: 1,255
Warnings: mentions of sex
A/N: I... don't know what this is. made me do it and it was a completely self-indulgent thing. We were talking about best friend necklaces and started joking about best friend underwear and this happened. so enjoy!


It was on a Thursday night that Taehyung and Jungkook waltzed into the living room, interrupting the movie fest that the rest of the group was having. It seemed that they were currently watching Beetlejuice and Taehyung was glad that he'd gone out with Jungkook instead. He wasn't a huge fan of that movie, found it cheesy and a bit boring.

Normally he'd be perfectly content sitting on the couch dressed in his pajamas, munching on popcorn that he'd most likely steal from Jimin, eyes glued to the television as some cheesy romcom played. But today, Jungkook had wanted to go to the store to get a few (aka ten) more white shirts, so Taehyung had agreed to go with him. He'd been going stir crazy anyways, locked inside the dorms and the studio for days on end while he practiced their new comeback to perfection.

Jungkook had definitely found a couple (ten) new white shirts. But they'd also found some exciting new clothing as well, which they were practically wagging their tails while waiting to show the rest of the group.

Taehyung stepped in front of the television and Hoseok let out a drawn out whine, Jimin screeching an angry, "what the fuck!" as if Taehyung had killed an animal with his bare hands or something. Needless to say, he didn't. But he did turn off the television, which was nearly as bad.

Yoongi grunted and glared at the two maknaes like he was trying to scorch them with his gaze. Taehyung felt Jungkook flinch beside him, but he tried his best to hold his ground, even though he felt as though Satan was reaching for him through that single glare. "We have something we need to show you guys," he announced in a steady voice that absolutely did not quiver at all, no way.

There was a collection of groans throughout the room, which Jungkook silenced with a, "it's an emergency!"

It absolutely was an emergency, that much was right, and Namjoon must have known that because he let out the longest sigh ever in the history of mankind. "Well show us then," Namjoon said, rubbing his brow like a tired father watching his six children.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and the younger gave him a grin back. "One, two, three," they chorused together before they both yanked down their sweat pants to a collection of surprised gasps.

"What the fuck!" Yoongi gritted out as Hoseok and Jin squealed and clung onto each other. Namjoon rested his face in his hands. Jimin stared at them with wide eyes, a look of shock sprawled across his face.

Just as silence settled over the room, Jimin broke it, nearly screeching. "You guys bought matching underwear?! Without me?"

The underwear in question was simple, just a pattern of space and aliens and spaceships. Taehyung and Jungkook had just finished a discussion about Ancient Aliensand why aliens were undoubtedly real when they'd seen these heckin' good spanks, so it was practically like God had come down from space or whatever and shown them that yes, they were right, aliens existed, and they should totally buy best friend underwear.

Taehyung pouted while Jungkook winced beside him. "Sorry, Jiminie, we just saw these and had to get them. Next time, we'll buy you some for sure."

"Next time," Seokjin grumbled hollowly, but it was barely heard due to Jimin whooping loudly in triumph and forgiveness.

Hoseok was staring at Taehyung's underwear, his eyes wide and his eyebrows in his hairline. It made Taehyung feel a bit like he was staring at his dick, which he guessed was true, but he just put his hands on his hips and brandished himself proudly. It's not like the others haven't seen him in various states of undress before. Besides, there was that one time that Jimin had sucked Taehyung off when they were young and curious and he's completely positive that Jimin had also messed around with like, Jungkook, Hoseok, Yoongi, Seokjin, and Namjoon as well. Okay, that was the entire group, but Taehyung wasn't one to judge.

"So you bought couple's underwear," Hoseok stated, more of a confirmation than anything. Jungkook and Taehyung nodded their heads. "And Taehyung decided to get the girl's version because...?"

"He said girl panties make his dick feel snug," Jungkook supplied helpfully. "You know. Like a warm burrito."

Taehyung pulled the material away from his dick and snapped it back into place like he was showing them what Jungkook meant by that. His panties were a basic boy cut, no frills or lace in sight. It had a comfortable waistband and the material cut off right above his buttcheeks. When he'd put them on, Jungkook had smacked his ass and complained that they should switch their purchases because Jungkook wanted to have a good butt too. Taehyung had laughed in his face and told him that no amount of panties could make up for his lack of ass.

The rest of the group didn't seem to share the same sentiment because they all groaned, except for Jimin who was blatantly staring at them with interest. Taehyung, again, wasn't one to judge or to take away from his fun.

"Can you just go put some pants on?" Namjoon almost begged, voice desperate for some reason that Taehyung couldn't figure out.

"Wait!" Jungkook exclaimed, to another round of complaints. "We wanted to do some poses to show off our newest fashion statement."

"Please feel free to not," Yoongi suggested.

"Do you want me to take pictures on my phone?" Jimin asked, right before he turned to Hoseok and whispered loudly, "why can't we be more like them?!"

As Jimin snapped pictures, Taehyung and Jungkook posed together, showing off as much as they could. At one point, Jungkook took off his shirt and flexed all of his muscles at once, and Taehyung couldn't wait to frame that picture. There was also a moment where Jungkook had taken Taehyung in his arms while Taehyung leaned back, arching his back and putting a hand to his forehead like he was fainting. They should get a framed acrylic painting of it.

Yoongi and Namjoon sighed loudly when Jungkook had casually rested his hand on Taehyung's butt for that. Taehyung knew that they were just secretly jealous though.

When they were finished and Jimin promised to send them the best pictures, finally he and Jungkook decided to leave the room. "Anyways, we're gonna go do some activities," Taehyung said, making sure to grab his pants from the floor.

"Some activities," Hoseok mused, and Yoongi gagged. Taehyung winked because he liked to rile his hyung up.

"At least just use some protection!" Seokjin called after them as Jungkook took Taehyung's hand and led then towards his room. "I at least raised you to do that right! I'm too young for grandchildren, you know!"

As they entered Jungkook's room, they heard Yoongi announce that he was going to quit Bangtan and move to the mountains with a goat.

"You ready for those activities?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung nodded eagerly and took off his shirt, watching with hungry eyes as his friend crossed the room and sat on the bed. Jungkook beckoned Taehyung over, and he obliged, settling down beside him and almost purring as Jungkook's warmth settled into him.

Jungkook passed him a controller and Taehyung took it without hesitation, turning on the xbox with his toe as Jungkook leaned forward to turn on the television. "Halo?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung smirked. "Your ass is mine."

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