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[Rough Draft of the Drawing, I'm working on better ones, but I'm not that good]

Swinging through the rain, sadly getting soaked, Spiderman does his usual check around the city, waving at a few kids that notice him while playing in the rain and helping wherever help is needed. Landing next to a group of kids, he pulls the mask over his mouth down, but keeps his goggles on. "Hey, it's Spiderman!" Smiling at the group, he squats down to their level. "I think you guys should be headed home. This storm plans on becoming much worse, sadly." The kids nod and run off with a wave and smiles upon their own faces. Standing back up quickly, his spider-sense starts tingling as he sees a flash of red in an alleyway. He pulls his mask back over his nose with the shake of his head. "Goddamnit."

Mumbling to himself, [Name] swings over with a frown, quickly moving so he could not be seen. "Come on you dumbass! Why do you think it was a smart idea to try and steal from a defenseless woman?!" Wade demands, having had enough of this guy already, barely able to contain himself from killing him. Flipping off of the wall, the ginger lands on the insane man's head. "What did I say about this, DP?" Webbing the criminal to the wall, [Name] stays on Deadpool's shoulders, but now sits on them. "Hey, sweet-cheeks! What're you doing out here? Thought you wouldn't want to mess up that hair of yours." Rolling his eyes, he rests his head on the older man's with a sigh.

"What're you doing, kid? You're not normally like this? All cuddly and shit. You normally have to shove me away." Wade explains with a slight confusion and worry. "Alright then dumbass, I'll just get off. Have a pleasant day, DP." Shooting his web, he pulls himself to the wall quickly. "Awe! No! Come baaaaccckkk! At least walk home with me!" Deadpool whines with an evident pout behind his mask. Rolling his eyes, [Name] jumps back down to sit on the others shoulders. "Fine, but I'm not walking." Wade smiles brightly as he grips onto the ginger's thighs to make sure he has balance, and other reasons. "Sooo, how was your day?" Laughing slightly at the question, the multicolored male places his hands behind his head. "Same as every other day. Nothing has changed and it's starting to get boring, but these dumbass people need me and if I left, everything would fall into utter chaos. Especially with you around."

Deadpool whines slightly. "That's mean!" The ginger snorts as he pats Wade's head. "But I'm not wrong." Continuing on to the shared apartment the two keep mindlessly chatting about things. "Why do you help these people though? With everything they do, they don't really deserve it." The mercenary states as if he knows everything about anything. "Yet they deserve to be killed? Doesn't make sense to me. Even though people can be assholes, their are some good people out there." [Name] explains while staring ahead, thinking to himself. "Like you?" Flustered, the ginger can't seem to answer, only make odd noises as he's stunned. "I, uh, oh, eh, you, ahm." Laughing, Wade sets the younger man down as they reach their apartment.

"Did I make my little spider all flustered?" The red and black mercenary questions, pinching [Name]'s cheeks. Slapping them away, he now glares through his goggles. "One, I'm not little, I'm almost as tall as you! And two, I'm not flustered!" Entering his home, Wade follows behind like a lost puppy. "Don't ignore me, babe. You know you love me! And you know I love you!" Rolling his eyes, the ginger walks to their room. "I'm not up for this right now. Can we just go to bed?" Wade once again follows him, concerned yet happy at the same time, knowing fully well that [Name] loves him, he just has a difficult time showing that he does. Undressing, the two lay down together in their boxers, the avocado respecting that the angel, as he called him, is not in any mood for messing around tonight. Cuddling it is then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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