Unsettled Emotion.

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"Peter!" A young deep voice shouted from down the hall. Peter sighed and slowly got out of his bed and planted his feet on the warm fuzzy rug in his room. He set down his book on the white nightstand and made his way towards the living room. Peter's older brother Wesley was sitting on the couch. "You forgot to pickup the eggs. Grandma needs them for breakfast in the morning." Wesley said while clicking away on his video game.

"Alright, but why couldn't you get them for her?" Peter replied in his charming voice.

"Because she asked you and I'm busy." Wesley said.

"Busy?" Peter said with a grin as he walked out of the living room, grabbing his penny board along the way. "Thank you!" Wesley yelled as the front door slammed behind Peter. Now, Peter wasn't your normal everyday rambunctious teenage boy. For being only 16 he was quite mature, physically and mentally. 6 foot three, dark brown hair, fit, cleft chin, he was quite the good looking young lad. But instead of running around town being a nuisance like most of his piers, he'd rather be at home reading a book or helping his grandmother. Humble, chivalrous, kind. He was the guy that every parent wanted their teens to befriend, but they all had different plans. Peter zipped down Main Street on his small skateboard headed to the grocery store. Along the way he reached his friend Alberts house. Albert was Peter's only true friend. They've been best buds since the beginning. "Hey Peat! Where are you headed?" Albert said as Peter hopped off his board to give his friend a hug. "I'm headed to Sherman's Grocery store, need anything?" Peter said with his award winning smile. "Not at the moment, are you coming to Collins house tonight? It's gonna be sick!" Albert says in excitement. "Al, We've been friends for how long? And you're still inviting me to parties." Peter said while holding back the smile. "Oh come on Peat! Just this once. Then I'll leave you alone." Albert insisted. "Al, you know me. I'm not one for parties." Peter said as his smile faded away. Albert laid a hand on Peter's shoulder "I know, it's rough meeting new people after what happened to--" Peter rudely interrupts "No Al, just stop." Something snapped in Peter, and he knows that if he stands on that porch any longer tears will flow from his eyes and a volcano of emotions with erupt from his heart, causing him to break into millions of pieces. Peter quickly opens the gate and continues on his way, trying to hold back the emotions in fear of someone seeing him cry.

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