Kanon is a cutie. Let's show her cuteness here.
Kanon POV
I was playing Magical Girl Raising Project. It was a fun game. I was having so much fun. I didn't expect what happened next though.
"Congratulations pon! Kanon Matsubara you've been chosen to be a real life magical girl pon!"
I looked at myself. I was about the height of 5'7. I didn't expect to grow taller at all (while age 15 she is 3 cm shorter. Or 1 inch shorter than her height when she is 16 aka her age in the game and anime. This story takes place before season 2)
"Fueeeeeeee! I'm actually Blue Cutie!" I said
My colors were brighter yet softer at the same time. I heard a noise at that moment
"Someone help me! This man is trying to hurt me!"
I followed the noise
"Do you need help miss?" I asked
"Please! This man is trying to hurt me!"
I punched the man and he got shot to a mile or 2 away (or a meter or 2 for you metric users. I'm too sick and lazy to math. My brain can handle writing not math)
As Blue Cutie I carried the woman to a police station and then we lead the cops to the attacker. They arrested him
"How did you know I needed help if I never shouted for help? You weren't even around here"
"I think I can hear the thoughts of people in need. I'm not too sure though. I'm new to being a magical girl"
"Thank you miss um..."
"Ka... Blue Cutie. My name is Blue Cutie!" I almost said my human identity. I'm glad I didn't. I could've lost my powers before I even could be a magical girl for longer
My physical abilities were heightened. I jumped higher than 2 yard sticks/meter sticks! I had enhanced hearing, enhanced sight, my strength was also enhanced.
My hair was longer than usual and it was down. It was about the length of Sayo-San's hair. She's in my class at school.
After helping someone I met my mentor. A magical girl named Pechika
"H-hello. I'm Pechika it's nice to meet you" she said
"I-im B-Blue Cutie"
"Y-you're shy as well aren't you" she asked me
"I-I am"
"Well allow me to train you Blue Cutie"
Pechika seemed really nice
She taught me how to stay away from trouble. She made me delicious food. It was heaven
Then I had to take my test
During the test
I can't deal with this. Everyone is dying! Someone save me! Please!
I screamed as someone got decapitated in front of me. I couldn't handle the sight. I instantly threw up as blood splattered onto my back. Why is this happening
The scary part was that the girl that was decapitated thought "now I'll never be able to get married and have a family. My future is canceled. I love you mom..."
Her voice cut off. It was also scary to hear the thoughts of a dying person
Then she turned on me. Cranberry, the host of this test. I know because I read her mind.
She attacked me with sound. Hearing thoughts is my power so I have sensitive hearing. But so does she.
I don't know what to do. She attacked me
I fought back the best I could but I was too weak.
Was this how I'm going to die?
At this moment Cranberry got her arm sliced. A magical girl in yellow with a katana. The handle of her katana was yellow. An S was carved into it as well. Her long braid flowed behind her. She seemed so familiar.
Either way I was free now.
I watched the yellow girl fight with Cranberry
After a while, it took hours actually, Cranberry became too weak to fight. A rare thing for her.
The yellow girl saved my life.
"T-thank you" I said to her
"It's not a problem Blue Cutie. You are my friend after all"
"Yes, friend"
"W-who are you?"
"Does the last name Shirasagi ring a bell?"
"That's right Kanon. I am Chisato"
At that moment I just hugged her tightly.
She hugged me back
Then a fairy mascot popped out of her phone
"Hello pon! I'm Fae a mascot from the FA series. Nice to meet you miss Blue Cutie"
I was so confused that I fainted.
Present day
Chisato saved me that day. If it wasnt for her I would be a corpse, a dead body in the ground. I'm thankful for Chisato. She saved my life that fateful day last year.
But now things have changed. There is another death game coming up.
What am I going to do? I'm bound to die and be stripped of my powers.
I dont want to die. I don't want to lose my powers. I want to live. I want to keep my powers. I wanna stay who I truly am. I want to remain as Magical Girl Blue Cutie. For as long as I can at least.
My test was in March of last year. Today is April 14th. Just over a year since I've been Blue Cutie.
I'm scared for this new death game. I have to do my best to survive! I promise I will do my best to survive! I have to!
Chisato gave me the information on these upcoming games.
She told me that a magical girl named Pfle is behind this. Apparently Pfle went through this same thing but when people died, they actually died. This is hell!
Why can't I escape from this? At least if I do die I'll still be alive in real life. At least I'll be free.
Though I love helping people. I really love to help those in need.
And sadly in these upcoming games, Chisato can't come and save me this time. She isn't in these games at all. She will be alright at least. Besides I can have her train me to fight for this game.
All I can do for me and everyone else is wish for good luck.
Good luck to us all
I hope you enjoyed this part on Kanon!
The Beginning
FanfictionPrequel to BanG Dream Raising Project I'm writing how they all became magical girls here