Chapter 10

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It was around 9 PM in the underground. I had eaten Papyrus's spaghetti. Oddly enough, it tasted nice! Sans seemed surprised and had commented on his improvement over the last year. I was able to take in more details of their home in the day spent living here. The two-story house had two rooms upstairs, Sans and Papyrus's rooms.

   They had a bathroom- even though they were just skeletons. Turns out another human had lived with them a short time, Frisk. The room got tense when the name was mentioned though. This bathroom was right under the stairs, it had a white door before opening into a small but comfortably sized area. They had two windows downstairs, one by the beginning of the stairs and one behind the couch. They both had curtains. The couch is facing a fireplace with a large "MTV" television on top. The kitchen had an open archway and was closest to the outside door. It was a very cozy and warm environment. Yet I still felt cold even with Papyrus's smiling face as he watches a bright robot dance on screen and Sans lightly rolling his pupils at his brother's reaction.

   It wasn't the cold outside that gave me these chills and an aching heart. It wasn't the raging blizzard winds or the darkened night sky outside. It felt like something was inside me trying to pull my very being apart. To take away one trait after another, to take away all you can bring light from.

   "What is it"? Sans glances at me from the corner of my eye. I had spoken my question out loud, luckily only in a whisper. I turn to him, clenching my hands together tightly, and give him a warm smile. He gives a hesitant look between me and his brother before saying, "What are you trying to hide"?

   My smile faltering in the slightest amounts and makes me look away from his gaze. As I do so Papyrus suddenly gives a yawn as his favorite late night show ends.


  "They looked very cool Papyrus but not as cool as you"!

   "Well, OF COURSE, YOU'RE RIGHT! I AM THE COOLEST"!! Papyrus replied with his chest puffed out proudly. He was in his pajamas. He wore a tank top saying exactly what he is, a "cool dude". He had long PJ pants that had bowls of spaghetti on it. Sans spoke up in reply to his little brother, "It's bedtime Paps, come on upstairs".

   Unexpectedly Papyrus gave me a look of concern, "BUT SANS. WHAT ABOUT THE HUMAN"? I looked away from Papyrus. I don't see the face of concern often. I find fear in the look now. I find pity or manipulation. I find the feeling of someone trapping me, trying to find a reaction, what I truly might be thinking. I close my eyes in a big smile and turn to Papyrus.

   "Don't worry Papyrus, I'll sleep on the couch! I bet I'll fall to sleep quick tonight, that food of yours was wonderful and fulfilling! I'll see you in the morning.."! My smile doesn't waver and Papyrus seems satisfied. He wasn't stupid, but he seems easily distracted when faced with compliments. He later followed Sans upstairs.


   I was alone now. Sans is telling Papyrus a bedtime story. The bedroom door is halfway open. "This brave cat knight didn't want to fight, he was very friendly and always found the greatest qualities in people". Sans had a soothing voice. His voice was deep but not rough, it sounded collected and caring when talking to his only sibling.

   I had felt oddly exhausted and nervous most the day. I didn't want to show it though. I felt so odd being in this house of theirs. It felt so different, so new, but.. threatening uncertainty always lingered. Piles of blankets still lie around the couch, I found comfort in the gentle and sturdy hold of these blankets. I closed my eyes and continued listening to Sans and his bedtime story.

   But the lamp woke me. The lamp on the couch-sided table made a clicking noise. A single click. It was quiet in the house now. Newfound darkness took control of my comfort. The lamp was off. The wind made the house creak and crack now and then. I felt paranoid. I felt afraid. I felt something or someone had been watching me, somewhere in the darkness.


   "I told myself I was only being paranoid and delusional".


   The clouds of snow quickly covered and uncovered the bright crystal up above Snowden, giving the house small rays of light through the curtain every few moments. I stared into the darkness the lamp left behind. I didn't want to show fear, I didn't want to feel this way. Suddenly, I saw something in the darkness, something real.

   A thin, long, coal-black arms reached out of the shadows. Its hands had thin, dagger-like fingers. Its arm seemed never ending, reaching the couch, reaching me, all from the corner of the room. The fire was out and no light let me see in the shadows till the clouds vanished on command.

   It had black eyes with dark gray pupils, barely noticeable, but they looked into mine with no emotion. It was tall. It almost reached the ceiling. It had such a thin body, it could blend into any shadow. It resembled the creature by my uncle. It followed me down here. I wanted to cry. I wanted to run, I wanted to believe this wasn't real. So I just shut my eyes tight and pinched my arm.

   When I opened my eyes it was gone. The lamp was on. A door closed. I held my chest as if my heart would leave its cage if I didn't. I looked towards the noise to see Sans coming downstairs. Papyrus was now asleep, snoring was heard softly through the door.


"I wanted to question it all. I really, really wanted too. If only I would've been more open".


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