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3:15 AM

I pulled myself off of the ground and stumbled towards the door that Taeyong was locked behind.

"About time," he mumbled. He swiftly walked past me, almost knocking me down.

"Are you just gonna walk away like that?" I asked. "I think you owe me a thank you." He turned around with a cold look on his face.

"Who do you think you are, my mom?" he smirked. He grabbed a bag of Funyuns off a rack and turned around. "See ya later, alligator," he hummed as he walked out the door. I stood there speechless and looking like an idiot.

"I hate my job," I sighed as I dragged myself back to the register. Two hours left until my shift ends and time is as slow as ever.

2:05 AM

Taeyong's POV

Jaemin dropped me off half a mile away from where the transaction was going to happen. We were in a quiet neighborhood. It was dark and late, the perfect setting for a drug deal. I stuffed the goods under my hoodie and walked to where the customer and I agreed to meet. As I got closer to the spot, I saw a glimpse of a smaller man with green hair fidgeting nervously.

"TY! You're finally here!" he shouted.

"Shut up, dumbass. You want us to get caught?" I scowled.

"Sorry, man. I'm just really excited," the midget giggled. "I smoked the last of my supply three days ago and you have no idea how many sharpies I've sniffed in those three days." I rolled my eyes at him. Why do people even use this shit? It fucks you up so much to the point where you dye your hair green.

"Where's the money?" I asked. Broccoli head pulled out a roll of bills and a couple of coins from his pocket. I nodded and took the money from him.

"Is that enough?"

"Yea," I replied while stuffing the money into my pocket. "Aight, hit me up when you need more Chanyeol."

"For the fifth time time, my name is Chenle-,"

"What's going on here gentlemen?" a voice interrupted. Chanyeol and I both looked up to see a cop standing in front of us. I heard him whimper so I knew I had to take care of this myself. I handed the package to Broccoli Head.

"Run along now," I said.

"I don't think that's a good idea, kid," the cop said stepping closer to us.

"RUN DUMBASS !" I yelled. The cop lunges for him but I stood in the way between him and the stoner. He dashed immediately behind me, clinging onto the weed.

"Both of you put your hands behind your back!" the cop growled.

"I have a better idea," I said. I punched him in the stomach and ran the opposite direction from Chanyeol. As I ran, I heard the police officer call for backup and Chanyeol crying and wailing for his mom. Ah fuck Doyoung is gonna kill me. How the hell did I just fuck up a simple drug deal?! I pulled out my phone and quickly called Jaemin.

"What?" he answered.

"I fucked up. A cop saw me," I panted.

"AND?!" he replied. Sirens started to go off. Fuck me. I hid in an alleyway to calculate escape routes.

"And I'm being chased, asshole. Help me out before Doyoung kills both of us."

"How the- You know what? I'll meet you at the alley way near the ghetto ass liquor store."

"Hell no, are you crazy?! That's two miles bro."

"Bro, it's only two miles!"

"But you're in car, you expect me to run two fucking miles?"

"I don't t give a shit, if you're not there in 20 minutes, I'm leaving." Jaemin hung up right after.
Asshole. I put my phone into my pocket and continued to run. I haven't ran this far since the last time I got busted for selling tree two years ago. I was determined to not get caught again which was the only reason why I didn't stop to breathe. After what seemed like forever, I finally reached the liquor store.

3:17 AM

I opened the bag of Funyuns that I took after walking out on that girl. I walked around the corner to see a black Nissan GT-R parked in the alley. I opened the door and slumped into the seat.

"What the fuck happened?" Jaemin asked.

"It's a long fucking story," I sighed. "Now drive."

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