Chapter 2 - Invisible

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"Is it done?"

"She's in the Way."

"What about her Crystal?"

"It cannot be completed. One of her friends who was with her at the Taking saw too much."

"Find her then. Take her if you need."

"Yes sir. And where should I put the girl?"

"Try Sector 7. We need to test her. See her abilities."

"Yes sir."

"After that we can just sit back and enjoy the show."

"Are you suggesting popcorn, sir?"

"Yes. Most definitely."



She couldn't feel the ground beneath her. All it was was blackness and falling and wind and the edges of the tube.

She wondered how fast she was going. The top of the chute had closed over a few second after she'd fallen. She wondered what Izzy thought. She wondered what her family would say after hearing Izzy's strange recollection of events.

She suddenly felt a shift in the air, as if she was slowing down. She felt the solid floor below her and breathed a sigh of relief. At least she was on her feet.

Lights hung from the ceiling with just enough brightness to see the long corridor ahead of her. One way seemed to carry on forever and the other had a theatre complete with comfy seating and red curtains. Alex didn't fancy walking down a dark, creepy tunnel. But the other route didn't seem much better.

Turning to her left, she walked forward into the dimly lit corridor. Alex didn't want to stop. She had no clue what might jump out at her. She tried not to think about it.

Whilst walking this impossibly long route, she started to freak out. It had finally hit her. She might never see her family again. She imagined Cody, her little brother, waiting for the sweets she always brought back when she went into town. She saw her sister, Sarah, looking up from her reading every so often, checking if I'd arrived with the signed book she wanted. She got so wrapped up in herself that she jumped at a sudden light in the shadows ahead.

"Hello?" She whispered. It was barely audible, but the small glow still reacted and started to grow bigger. She heard hurried footsteps. She saw that the light was actually a tiny flame. She stumbled backwards as a boy ran out of the darkness towards her, almost falling.

"Hello?" The boy said. The flame was in his hand. And he wasn't burnt. Alex's eyes widened in astonishment.

"H-hello." She repeated, backing away from the boy. He was right in front of her, but was looking straight through, as if she wasn't there. That gave her a spark of anger which provided the confidence to speak out, "That's rude you know. I'm right here. You could at least look at me."

"Uhh..." The guy still persisted on staring through her. He looked around her, then walked right into her.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Umm..." He seemed uncomfortable.

"Just say it for God's sake!"

"You're not there..."

"Of course I am! And you just walked right into me!"

"No... That's not what I meant..."

"Then what did you mean?" She was getting impatient now.

"You're invisible."

Alex looked at him with an unbelieving face, "Really, now?"

"Yes." He reached out his finger, but she pushed it away.

"Don't touch me. I know what you can do."

He grinned. It was a confident one, as if he knew that he'd win the argument with his next comment, "Well, if you believe I can light my hands on fire, why couldn't you be invisible? It's a strange world out there." He held out a hand. The distance between it and Alex hadn't been measured, so she had to step back before taking it, "I'm Luke."


"Ha! I can see you now!"

She took her hand out of his.

"You're still completely visible. I'm guessing that you triggered a reflex that turned you invisible once you were scared."

"Makes sense I guess. If me being invisible made sense." It had never happened before, and she didn't know what was different. This time. Probably the fact that she'd been utterly terrified this time.

"Though, it makes finding your Element difficult. With what element would you turn invisible...?" The last question was almost to himself.

"We'd better get going. Anything could happen or come out if the shadows..."

"You're right. Let's go."

They set off back the way Luke had come from, and Alex knew then that her life was changed forever.


Hello again!

Well... I have absolutely nothing to say right here, so... Yeah. Carry on with your life. There was no point in reading this. At all. Glad you read it! :D


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