4 ✧

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"Daddd, wake uppp!" I said, shaking Zawa's shoulder. He groaned and turned away from the child, stuffing his head under his pillow. 

Aiko, losing patience, decided to just scare her father awake. She prepared herself and then yelled.

"DAD! MITTENS IS VOMITING! HELPPP!" And like that, Aizawa jumped out of bed, frantically searching for the tabby cat he owned. As he began to realize that his daughter pranked him, his eyes flashed with anger and he looked down at his kid.

Aiko gulped and slowly waddled out of the room. And once she was one step out, she made a run for it, Aizawa on her tail. He then tripped on a rug and fell face first onto the floor. Aiko turned around as she heard the loud thump and quickly rushed to her fathers aid. Before she could even speak, he clamped his hand onto her ankle and she screamed. He quickly began to tickle her.

She squirmed around, laughing. He didn't stop until Aiko peed on her pajamas. He stood up and began to laugh at her. And well, Aiko began to cry and hit her father's leg, although it didn't hurt him at all.


Class 1-A watched the tension between the daughter and father. Aiko still held a grudge towards Aizawa and didn't even look her father's way. Even when he talked to her, she wouldn't respond and instead would whisper into one of his students ears. Then, said student would tell him what she said. This particular student was Midoriya Izuku.

"Are you really going to be like this Aiko?" Aizawa asked, staring at the pair, lowkey butthurt.

Aiko whispered into Izuku's ear and he nodded, listening to her every word. He then looked up at his teacher.

"S-she said she is going to be like this until you apologize." Aizawa sent a death glare at Izuku, who let out a small shriek. Denki, a blonde dumb boy, decided to comment on the said situation.

"Dang, Mr.Aizawa, what'd you do?" he said, tsk-ing at the man. If looks could kill, Aizawa would have ended Denki right there and then. The boy quickly shut himself up and stared at his table, praying to God.

Aizawa went back to his desk and started his lesson. Izuku then looked down at the girl who sat on a chair beside him and asked why she was mad at him. As she began to explain, puffing her cheeks out as they turned pink from embarrassment, he couldn't help but quietly laugh.

Aiko's eyes flashed with betrayal and anger, seeing as Izuku was laughing at her misery. She tugged on his hair and he started pleading for mercy. By the time she let go, the class had been watching, stifling their laughs at the situation. Aiko, noticing the attention, jumped off her chair and began to make her way out.

"I-I'm going home!" she said, her anger turning into sadness. She slammed the classroom door open and ran out. The class and Aizawa tried to chase after the child but they all got stuck at the door.



Aiko, who was now lost, sat in one of the hallways of U.A. She had been there for five minutes and no one had seen the little girl until now.

"Oi, what are you doing here kid?" She looked up to see a boy with purple unruly hair. He kind of reminded her of her father.

"A-aiko ran away and now Aiko's lost.." she said quietly. His lips pursed and he sat next to the girl.

"Why'd you run?" he asked, quite curious at to why a kid would run away. As she explained, his eyes widened upon realizing that she had a father who taught at the school.

"Let's go," he said as he grabbed Aiko's hand, pulling her up.


"To find your dad." Aiko's eyes widened and she tugged her hand back. She didn't want to go back to her father. She was still angry at him.

"N-no! Aiko doesn't want to!" As a few minutes passed and the two argued, he sighed and picked her up.

"Fine..you can stay with me until your father finds you," the purple hair boy said. She nodded and smiled at the boy. He then took the girl back to his class.


It was now lunch and Aiko was hanging out with her newfound friend. She found out his name was Shinsou Hitoshi. She was currently hanging out with him and his friends, forgetting all about her father who was worrying about her whereabouts.

She ate some sandwich that Shinsou had split between them and was laughing at some things Monoma was saying. The mood was quickly ruined though by a group of kids.

"A-aiko! There you are!" yelled Uraraka, Izuku and Iida behind her. She sounded out of breath, as if she had been running for quite a while. Monoma's eyes flashed and he stood up, hiding the girl behind him. 

As Uraraka quickly made her way towards the girl, Monoma threw his hand up, preventing Uraraka from coming closer. He smirked as he realized the three kids where from.

"Well, well..if it isn't Class 1-A. What are you doing here?"

"W-we just came to take back Mr.Aizawa's daughter," stuttered Izuku nervously. Shinsou's eyes flashed upon realizing who's Aiko's dad was.

"Your dad is Mr.Aizawa?" he said, recalling what she told him. He couldn't believe Aizawa actually had a child and he actually made her laugh so much she pissed her pants. He didn't even think Aizawa was capable of making anyone feel anything besides nervous or scared.

She awkwardly nodded and fiddled with her small hands. He grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the seat. Monoma stepped aside, surprisingly, as he usually would've made some sort of drama with Class 1-A.

"W-where are we going?" asked Aiko, as the three Class 1-A students followed behind Hitoshi.

"To your dads class.." he said. Aiko tried to pull away but Shinsou lifted her up and carried her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. She gave up on resisting and allowed him take her back to her father, who apologized to Aiko once they had returned back  to the privacy of their home.

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