19 ✧

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Aizawa sat beside the child, his emotions bursting and clouding his mind.

He was happy. He had done his job and he was satisfied. Aiko was safe.. but he was devastated at the fact he would have to let her go. She was no longer going to be his. She was going to live her life with her mother. She was never going to be his child. He was never going to wake up to her face. He was never going to tuck her in bed. He would no longer hear her laugh and he would never get to see her grow.

Unknowingly, tears began to fall down his face and soon, the young girl took notice.

"Mr.Eraserhead, are you okay?" she asked as her doe-like eyes peered into his tearful, dull ones.

He nodded and took in her appearance. She had a bit of dirt on her cheeks and dress, her hair was sticking out, she had a few cuts here and there, but her eyes shined like a thousand stars.

She frowned before grabbing his hand, taking the hero by suprise.

"Mommy likes it when I holds her hands, she says she feels specials," the girl struggled as she sounded out the word special, before smiling at her savior.

Aizawa's heart felt like bursting and he itched to hug her but he felt as if he couldn't now. He settled for the hand held moment but even that didn't last long.

A nurse made her way towards their direction, taking the pair off to a hospital room. She stopped in front of a door, bowed, and left them.

Aizawa took a deep breath and slid the door open. The two walked in and the child released his hand, rushing towards her mother. She quickly hopped onto a chair and then onto the hospital bed where her mother rested. Her mother fondly smiled at her child before looking up at the pained hero.

It was a bittersweet moment for him.

"I want to thank you for saving me, and most importantly..my child," she said, her voice a bit hoarse.

Aizawa shrugged as he stared at the child that had once been his.

"It's my job, Miss Suoh."

"I see.."

The two stood there, Aizawa staring at her child while Hanaka Suoh sat thinking.

She wanted to find a way to show her gratitude the man who saved her life, but she couldn't find out how she could. She couldn't go and get him something nor could she settle for something as simple as a thank you. She wanted to do something that genuinely showed her thanks.

As she watched the man and her child interacted, she suddenly got hit with a good idea.

"Would you like to name her? I never had the time to think of one when I was captive.."

Aizawa didn't even need to think as he quickly said the name out loud.

"Aiko Souh."

The mother let out a happy hum, nodding in approval at the name.

"A beautiful name."

Aizawa stared at the child who excitedly stared at the two adults, joy radiating within her at the fact that she finally was getting named. It was like a dream come true for her, really.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful child," Aizawa mindlessly said out loud, before internally growing flustered. The moment was cut short by a new nurse entering the room, cutting the tender moment short.

Aizawa quickly turned serious again and listened in on to what the nurse was saying.

"You're so cute! How old are you?"

"I-I don't know.."

"Oh..! Well, do you know your name?"

The girl smiled and her eyes shimmered with happiness as she did now have a name. A special name in fact, since it was given to her by someone who saved her.

"Yes! My name is Aiko!"

Aizawa's smiled to himself, before looking out the window.

It was time to let her go now.

He began to make his way out until a sudden force hugged his backside. He turned and looked down, making eye contact with Aiko.

"Where are you going?" she pouted, looking up at the drained out man.

His heart broke and his bottom lip began to quiver as he bent down to her height, giving her a tight hug. This was the last time he was going to see his girl. After this, there was no going back.

"I've got to go.."

Aiko frowned before pinching the man's cheek. Her cheeks puffed a bit as she stared into his eyes.

"Will we see each other again, Mr.Eraserhead?"

Aizawa felt his eyes began to burn as he took in her appearance one more time.

"I don't know," he whispered out, his voice cracking. Aiko released pinched his cheek harder before smiling yet again.

"Aiko will make sure we do, Mister Eraserhead! Don't be sad!"

She released him and held up her pinky. Aizawa's eyesight began to blur slightly as he wrapped his pinky around hers and she cheered.

"Bye bye, Mr.Eraser!"

Aizawa slowly opened the door, looking out before turning back to the scene.

Hanaka stared at him, a smile across her face and Aiko stood by him, watching him with hope filled eyes.

He stepped out and raised his hand up waving, before shutting the door, allowing the white light to consume him peacefully.

"Goodbye, Aiko."



only one chapter left ,, hehe.

so excited !

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