[One] The Mission

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You pulled up outside of the Base and turned the engine of your bike off. You got off the bike in one swift movement, running a hand through your windswept hair as you did so. You eyed the nondescript building with something that was almost fondness before heading for the door. You stopped in front of a keypad that doubled as a scanner and typed in the code quickly before leaning down and allowing the machine to scan your right eye.

The machine beeped and flashed green briefly and there was the soft click of the door unlocking. You opened it and stepped inside the building, hearing the door lock again behind you. You walked down the plain corridor at a sedate pace, the only sound being your combat boots on the wooden flooring. You reached a fork in the corridor and turned left before stopping in front of an elevator. You pressed the button to call it down and stepped inside. You pressed the buttons for floors three, seven and twelve and the doors slid shut.

As soon as the doors shut, you removed a bracelet from your wrist. It was a simple band made of metal with no visible marks or blemishes. You pressed in at a certain point on the band and it folded inwards, forming the shape of a rectangular key. You pressed the buttons for floors three, seven and twelve again, even though they were lit up, and a small piece of metal above the buttons slid away, revealing a small key hole. You pushed your key into it and all the buttons flared with light briefly before they all turned blank.

You removed your key as the elevator started to accelerate as it descended. Some music played in the background and you hummed along with it as you returned your key to its bracelet form and slid it onto your wrist. A minute slipped by before the elevator finally slowed to a stop. The doors slid open and you stepped into a sterile, white lab. The fluorescent lights in the ceiling shone brightly, illuminating the numerous work stations. A number of people in white lab coats were bent over their own work station. You paid them no mind as you walked swiftly through the lab.

You reached another door where you typed in a different passcode and had your eye scanned once again. The door slid open with a soft hiss and you stepped into a large lounge area. You relaxed imperceptibly as you looked around the familiar room. There were a number of sofas, cushioned stools and tables organised in groups. A few TVs were perched on the wall to your right, while the wall to your right was covered in golden curtains. You knew the curtains only covered a plain white wall – you were well underground now.

The room was done out in browns, beiges, golds and whites. There was a large amount of people in this room – some only ten or eleven, some in their teens, like you, and then a few adults. There were a few doors leading off into other rooms but you ignored all of those, instead heading towards the large mahogany door at the opposite end of the room. You were stopped halfway to the door by a familiar voice calling your name.

Sighing inwardly, you turned to come face to face with a boy. He was your age with carefully mussed blonde hair and wicked brown eyes. He was tanned and dressed in a muscle shirt and a pair of running shirts. You guessed from the attire and the light sheen of sweat on his skin that he’d just been training.

“What d’you want, Hiro?” you asked irritably.

The blonde smirked at you. “Hey, no need to be so snappy. I was only wondering how you’re back here so soon.”

You gave a one shouldered shrug. “Finished my mission, duh.”

His eyes widened slightly. “Already? You only left thirty minutes ago!”

You rolled your eyes and huffed out an impatient breath. “Yes, I finished already. The target’s been eliminated and I’ve found some hopefully helpful information, so I’m back to report to boss. Which, by the way, you’re stopping me from doing.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2012 ⏰

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