Chapter 10

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HEY GUYS!! Well I think my interview went well. They have to give my application to the manager so she can look over it. And then I'm gonna get a call. So yeah. One of my closest friends just got back from camping and shes been gone for a week so its been good to talk to her again. So enjoy this chapter. Vote, Comment, Share for me. I love you all! Stay amazing <3



"Hey Jackson, I'll be ready in like 10 min. Can't wait for the concert!" My text message read. I placed my phone down on the counter and slid my converse on. I fixed my Theory of a Deadman Savaged t-shirt that came down by my shorts. My hair was straightened to a point.

"Hey have fun tonight. I'll be here when your done. Hannah has a job interview so she won't be here tonight." Oliver said helping me with my TOADM sweater.

"Okay, thanks." There was a knock at the door. "That's Jackson, I'll take pictures for you."

I walked away and headed towards the door. Opened it to see Jackson standing there with the outfit that he was wearing when I first met him. He look pretty good. He handed me a ticket and I slid it into my pocket.

"Are you excited for the concert? It's gonna be amazing." I said as we walked out of our building.

"I know right. I'm so excited. Oh shit, I left the scar cream at my place." He said lighting a cigg

"Oh it's fine, I can get it after the concert. So why do you ave scar cream?" I asked

"My girlfriend was like you so we had it at the house. But she moved out and left it there. I have no use for it and I figured you would want it."

"Oh, yeah. Thanks by the way. I was told that you came by and visited my while I was out." I took a drag of his cigg. The little anxiety I had slowly went away.

"Yeah I did. I was there when they brought you to the hospital. Hey if you and Oliver don't work things out. You can always move in with me. I have a extra room in my place you can use. It's kinda empty at my place." I handed him the cigg back.

"Thanks, but I think I'll be okay at my place. What kind of cigarettes is that?" I asked

"Paul Maul orange." He said showing me the pack. I think I might buy a pack. Just to have.

"Oh, so are we like walking all the way there or what?" I asked.

"We can take a taxi if we can flag one down." He said. So I did.


I handed the security guard my ticket. He scanned it and then waved me through. I stepped passed him and waited for Jackson. He got through so next we had to go through security. I put all my things on the table and a girl checked my things. She kept starring at my scars on my thys. I tried to hurry and make my way through the line.

I grabbed my things and stepped away from security waiting for Jackson. The place was pretty packed. Not to the point where we were pressed against someone. But I had to move out of the way a lot for other people. I grabbed Jackson's hand and pulled him with me, just so we wouldn't lose each other. We made our way out to the stage. I saw that it was going to be a most pit. The last time I was in a mosh pit was Warped Tour almost three years ago.

"Let's get to the front of the stage!" I yelled to him so he could hear me. He nodded his head and pulled me with him.

Some how we made it to the front of the stage. I guess pushing and shoving everyone to get out of the way. I felt as if Jackson and I were the youngest ones there. But that was okay. These guys were my hero's. We were pushed up against the fence just below where Tyler would be standing. I took out my phone and took a picture of the stage where we were. I flipped the camera around so Jackson and I could take a photo together.

Can you save my bastard soul? (Book 2 Sequel to Can you fix the broken?)Where stories live. Discover now