Chapter 15

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HEY GUYS!!!! Thank you so much for everything. I think I thank you guys every time I update, but what-eves. I'm actually started to feel happy again. Nothing is going wrong. But yeah. So sorry for not updating much anymore but I've been hella busy and that's no excuse or anything. But yeah Vote, Comment, and Share for me. Thanks! Stay Amazing <3

Chapter 15

Walking into my first class was different. The last time I was in school was before the car accident. I set my book down on the desk and took a seat and waited for class to start. A girl with bright red hair, septum piercing, and light blue eyes sat down next to me. She was wearing a black skirt with dark purple lace tights, and a long sleeve purple shirt.

"I'm April. Do you mind if I sit here?" She asked

"Oh, no go ahead. I'm Dakota. Nice to meet you." I replied.

"Same goes for you. So what's your major?" She questioned, she opened her notebook.

"Umm, animation. I wanna be the one who sits and draws each frame by frame for like cartoons and such. What about you?" I said turning my phone off

"Photography. But I guess we got put in the same Social Studies class." April laughed. The professor walked in and the class fell silent.


"Well that couldn't of been more boring if you ask me." April said as we both walked out of the building together.

"You could say that again. Do you have any more classes today?" I asked

"Yeah, I set my classes up where I have them all on the same day but I only have to go to class like twice a week." she took out her e-vape and started smoking it.

"That's cool. I work a full time job also so I have one class a day but only four days a week. For this first year at least." I turned my phone on to see the time. "Well I'm gonna head home and get ready for work. I'll see you later."

"Bye Dakota." she walked in the other direction and continued to smoke her e-vape.

Seeing her do that, made me wanna smoke. So I did. I took out my pack and twirled the cigarette in my fingers before I brought it up to my mouth and lit it. My phone started ringing so I clicked answer and said Hello

"Is this Dakota?" A unfamiliar voice came through my phone.

"This is she, can I ask who's calling?" I said inhaling the good and exhaling the bad with every drag I took.

"This is your Doctor. George. I called you today to say that I set up an appointment tomorrow afternoon with a therapist at the hospital. I gave you the card remember?" He said. I threw my cigg on the ground and stepped on it. Putting it out.

"Yeah, I remember. So I just show up at the hospital then and go from there?" I asked turning the corner and walking down the street towards the subway.

"Um, yes that would be correct. Your appointment is at 3 tomorrow. Please show up. Remember our deal? I let you leave if you go to therapy." he said. Oh shit, I forgot about that.

"Yeah, I remember. But hey I'm about to get on the subway where there's very little reception. Thank you again for calling though." I hung up and walked down the steps to the subway station


Standing in front of my door after a long day at work is something else. Usually I just walk right on in but now, I'm afraid too. I knock slightly on the door and wait anxiously for a answer. I hear a noise coming from inside and then the door opens. I see Oliver standing there. His eyes seemed swollen from crying.

"Come on in." He moved out of the way. I brushed past him and sat on the couch. I felt like I hadn't been here in forever.

"I'm glad you came." He said sitting on the chair next to the couch.

"Yeah, well I had to shower sometime." I whispered

"Yeah. So let's get back to the point. I kicked Hannah out. I don't love her. I love you and I want you to come home." He begged.

"Where is she?" I asked. To be honest. I'd wish she would just leave. Like the country for that fact.

"She's at a hotel. She is renting an apartment on the other side of the city. I told her that I don't want her here anymore. That I'm in love with you." His eyes became watery.

"Tonight I'm spending the night somewhere else. I need time to think. I have therapy tonight so I'll come here after that to get more things." I said standing up and walking towards the bed room.

"Dakota I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Yes I screwed up but I think I deserve a second chance." He grabbed my wrist and I turned around. He got down on one knee

"Will you marry me?" he asked

JERI SAYS: Hey! Sorry for not updating. It's totally not intended for me to be hating on Hannah like this. I think Hannah and Oliver in real life are adorable actually. But hey enjoy this update. Please Vote, Comment, and Share for me. Thanks! Stay Amazing ❤️

Can you save my bastard soul? (Book 2 Sequel to Can you fix the broken?)Where stories live. Discover now