Episode Seven

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The car was utterly silent for the next ten minutes as we all did our best to process what just happened

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The car was utterly silent for the next ten minutes as we all did our best to process what just happened.

Eli kept checking on me through the rearview mirror, and occasionally, he would eye his best friend with concern.

Even though they were on my naughty list for being drug dealers, I had to admit they weren't all bad. I could tell Eli really cared about Nico, and that their bond was strong. Nico shot that guy to save Eli, which told me he would do anything for Eli.

I couldn't get the poor Toyota girl out of my mind, and how dreadful it must've been for her to realize that her friends would be the ones to end her life. She didn't stand a chance against them.

This was all too much.

Trying to get myself together, my fingers combed through my tangled hair as I worked to pull it up out of my face. Long hair was so pointless sometimes. It always seemed to get in the way.

The memory of Jessica telling me she loved me multiple times before I ditched her was still haunting me. I'd just left her there, but in my defense, I had a good reason. It was hard to believe the truth about what Jessica would do when she came down from Hype, but I couldn't deny the evidence.

Hunched forward in my seat, I fought to keep myself under control. Eli was staring at me in the mirror again. I could always feel the heat of his eyes on me. It was like he had some special connection with me.

I tugged my attention away from Eli, glancing at Nico who was being oddly quiet. I'd only known Nico to be loud and boisterous. If tonight's events had played hell with my emotions, I could only imagine what Nico was going through, especially since he was partly to blame in this situation.

A strange, foreign part of me wanted to comfort Nico even if it was a lost cause.

"Nico," I chanced tapping him on the shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Nico didn't answer.

Eli's gaze found mine again before a muscle ticked in his jaw. "You had to do it, Nico. You saw what he did to that girl."

Nico hit the dashboard. "It doesn't matter. I still killed him."

"Did you see his eyes? He had no humanity whatsoever. He was like a wild animal." Eli argued. "All he wanted to do is eat me."

I put my hand lightly on Nico's shoulder. "You shouldn't feel bad for protecting—"

Nico jerked away as his icy blue eyes slammed into me. "You have no idea how I feel, so just shut up. Both of you!"

Shock rushed over me. Only one person had ever looked at me that way, and I hated how it made me feel. I was done trying to help. Saying nothing would be better for now. I scooted as far from Nico as I could get.

Eli turned into a familiar neighborhood. It was a lot darker than I remembered, but I knew there was a place four streets over that I'd partied at last year.

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