Episode Fourteen

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With the dance music blaring, we watched as four vehicles drove up the dirt road and pulled off into the overgrown field

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With the dance music blaring, we watched as four vehicles drove up the dirt road and pulled off into the overgrown field.

Apparently, Mark was still happy-go-lucky because he jumped out of the vehicle while it was still in drive. He nearly fell flat on his face as he ran to us.

"Eli! I can't say how good it is to see you, Dude. We've been driving forever, and people are such idiots. Plus, this crew." Mark jutted a thumb over his shoulder, gesturing toward the other cars.

I couldn't take my eye off Mark's car as it rolled forward until it hit a tree with a crunch.

Eli and I didn't move to help as three people emerged from Mark's car. They were all laughing hysterically. It was Jessica and the two other guys from last night.

"Lilly?" Jessica raced my way. Her eyes were almost entirely black now.

My hand tightened around the gun in my pocket.

Eli stiffened by my side, but I stepped forward. I had to be strong and face this head-on. I knew what was destined to happen, and I would shoot her if I had to.

The rest of the drivers pulled to a stop and actually put their cars in park. Did that mean they were okay?

I knew the four in front of us would be dead soon.

"Lilly, I'm so sorry. Do you hate me?" Jessica's expression would've been full of regret if her eyes weren't black as night. It was scary.

A fake smile spread across my lips. "No, Jess, I could never hate you. I had a great time."

Jessica's eyelids closed as she licked her lips. "I'm so glad. Do you guys have any food? I'm starved, and something smells fantastic out here."

Mark and his two friends nodded in agreement.

"We have drinks, but since we don't want anyone drinking and driving, we need to mark you with spray paint, so we don't let you leave until you're sober," I grinned. "You know, like a club."

Mark's brow narrowed. "Why?"

Eli put an arm around my shoulder, tugging me into him. "My property, my rules. Got a fucking problem with that?"

Mark's hands flew up in defense. "No, man. We're good, but I really want something to eat. Jess wasn't joking. We're all hungry as hell."

Eli's squeezed my shoulder. "This isn't a restaurant. You should've brought food with you. We have drinks. Take it or leave it."

Mark laughed. "I hear you. It just smells good out here. I guess we'll take the drinks."

Eli and I made our way over to the cooler as I pulled out my spray paint.

Mark stuck out his hand to be sprayed.

"No, Bro. I know you'll just try to wash it off. Turn around and we'll spray your back. I can't have you driving out of here and killing some innocent family." Eli didn't smile or make any attempt to be friendly like I had. He meant business.

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