I woke up

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I woke up between beautiful red flowers, a field. The wind gently brushed over my skin and my hair, making the grass move like a big wave on the sea. I breathed in. Where... am I? I held out my hand, opened and closed it twice, looking at it, as if it was an explanation for everything. I reached to my forehead, it ached a lot. With a sigh, I closed my eyes again, letting the wind stroke my body and soothing me back to my rest. Whatever, I just feel very very tired. I think... I go...to sleep. My thoughts were getting slow and all I wanted was this rest and my headache to stop, I didn't even had the time to think about the dangers of lying here all by myself or passing out. 

So I closed my eyes, dozing off.

Until a sharp voice entered the darkness of my sleep: "Kakashi sensei, here is a girl lying, she looks dead!" I winced by the sound and frowned. I heard steps coming closer through the thick grass. Someone  crouching beside me. "Indeed Naruto, well seen, but she is not dead, do not worry." A hand touching my shoulder. "Hey.", a gentle voice, remembering me of soft melting chocolate reached my ears and I slowly opened my eyes, batting my lashes a few times, because of the pain. 

Four people stood around me, three youngsters, a dark haired guy with a mysterious look on his face, a friendly looking pink haired girl and- I am sure that was the one with the annoying voice- a blonde guy, who seemed very concerned. Beside me a young man crouched on the grass and was still touching my shoulder. He was wearing a uniform as far as I could tell and a face mask. His grey, almost silver, hair was spikey and his right eye was hidden by a headband with an unfamiliar sign on it. The other eye was in a dark brown, almost looking black like coal, looking at me with warmth, but hidden sadness. "Who are you?", he asked now, his facemask moving while he spoke, "Where are you from?" I shook my head from right to left. He frowned, "You don't know?" "Yeah...", I answered with a dry voice that sounded like one of a grandmother. "Sakura, give me your water.", he said, noticing it. The pink haired girl came over, shyly smiling and reaching me a little bottle, I took it with a grateful look in my eyes and tried to get up. "Oh wait wait.", he mumbled gently and surprised putting his hand slowly around my waist to support me. His arms were strong and warm and I had the urge to cry, but I bit my lip through it and drank something from the refreshing liquid. 

It felt amazing, like all my organs were dehydrated and now were coming back to life. "Thank you.", I said breathless, because I chugged it all in one go. I now awkwardly sat down on my own, my headaches getting better and the man with grey hair let go of me. 

I looked at him. "I have lost my memories, nothing makes sense and all I can remember is waking up here and yes, having this sharp pain in my head.", I tried to explain in all confusion. 

"Well, I don't think that you are from our village, otherwise I would have somehow recognized you, besides, you don't have anything on you that seems familiar to me.", he thought out loud, and he was right. All I wore was plain boring pants, no shoes and a white T-Shirt full of dirt. Not very flattering. 

"What are we going to do, Kakashi Sensei?", the blonde guy asked, it was cute to see, how concerned he was. He did not look like he was the smartest, but  he was surely the one who cared the most.  

"Well", the guy, who seemed to be a teacher and was named Kakashi, scratched his head and looked a little bit helpless. "I guess we have to take her with us, at least until she remembers something. We cannot leave her here in the wild, it's getting dark already, despite not knowing where she is coming from." 

And that's how the black haired guy and Naruto were assigned to help me walk the way to the village. Soon enough I was witness of two people not getting along at all. 

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