12Bobby John

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so hey guys I might do more of Bobby John stories ?? why not. hope you enjoy this fluff

- avery


Bobby John 1

Castiel had found a baby in a box on the side of the road, sleeping it's mind away. Cas had picked up the baby and had taken it to the bunker, the baby in the blankets and in his arms. Dean was sitting on his bed in his room, Sam sitting in a chair a few feet away. Castiel stood there looking at the both of them, the baby crying in his arms.

Dean stopped mid sentence and looked the angel up and down, "Hey Cas."

"Uh, Cas? Is that a...baby?" Sam leaned forward in his chair to get a better look.

Castiel smiled brightly and nodded, "Yes. I found him on the side of the road and healed all the sicknesses he has had."

Dean scowled and stood up, stepping over to Cas. He looked over his shoulder, looking at the fat little baby.

"I need help. He won't stop crying." Castiel frowned, pulling his arms tighter around the baby.

"Well," Dean put his hands around the baby's side, pulling him up. "He's probably hungry and wet." He snuggled the baby in his arms and walked off to the bathroom, where he then made a make shift diaper and cleaned the baby. He walked back out. Sam and Cas both gave him confused, side way glances.

"How did you learn to do that?" Sam stood up, raising his eyebrows.

Dean sneered, "Just get me some friggin warm milk in bottle."

"We don't have any baby bottles..." Sam followed Dean out of his room. Castiel teleported himself into the kitchen, causing Dean to slightly jump.

"Yes we do," Dean opened a cabinet with one arm, pulling out a crystal clear baby bottle. He shoved it into Sam's hands and growled, "Just do it ok?"

"Ok! Ok!" Sam went to the fridge and filled it with milk.

Dean scowled it at him, "Warm it." Sam sighed and put it in the microwave. When it was done he gave it to Dean who stalked out of the room and back in his own. Sam looked to Cas with a confused expression. Cas shrugged and followed Dean, leaving Sam in the kitchen.

"Dean?" Castiel stood in the doorframe, looking at Dean. Dean sat on his bed, one arm around the baby and the other holding the bottle, feeding it to the scrap of blankets. He smiled at Dean. Dean looked so calm and peaceful, a new light of attractiveness flooding over him. Dean glanced up and then back down, making contact with the child. He smiled a loving smile, tipping the glass a little higher. Castiel sat down next to Dean, his hand on the bed space behind Dean, his other hand on the side of his arm. "Human babies are one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen," Castiel breathed, looking down at the sparkling eyes of the baby.

Dean nodded, "He is beautiful."

"What would you like to name him?"

"We ain't keeping him Cas."

"Where else would he go?"

Dean sighed, "Ok, ok, just for a little while."

"Thank you Dean," Castiel smiled brightly. Dean set down the empty bottle and pulled his arm around the baby. Castiel reached out his hand and the baby grabbed it, "What should his name be?"

"Bobby John," Dean breathed, smiling down at the new Bobby John.

Castiel chuckled, "I like it." Dean turned his head to look at Cas, his forehead pressed against the angel's. His breath hitched as their eyes locked, his eyes searching Castiel's face. "Are we the fathers?" Cas said more like whispered.

"Well, uh, yes, I would suppose so," Dean looked back down at Bobby John. Castiel gently leant his head against Dean's shoulder, sighing. Dean's body stiffened slightly, but relaxed after a little bit. He let his head fall against Cas's softly, his eyes on Bobby John. Bobby grabbed ahold of Cas's finger and stuck it in his toothless mouth. Castiel smiled, letting him chew.

What they didn't know, is that Sam was peeking through the door and deciding that Cas and Dean would be the cutest couple ever and they already had a baby so now they just had to get married. Well, and maybe date first.

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