21 : Rematch

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    Three days before the ceremonial, Yeyinde challenged her jehdin jehdin combat as he was so need some pyode amedha to be his punching bag. Eclair smiles and nodded as acceptance his challenge.
L'arja had tought her a simple rules a days before the rematch. She's clearly understand and ready to face Yeyinde once again.          "Are you ready, mate?," L'arja purrs. "Always," she smiles to her loved ones.
"Blooded Warrior Yeyinde and ooman Warrior Eclair! Step inside!," the yellow brownish colored male Yautja barked and acts as a referee. Both Eclair and Yeyinde walked on the fighting stage and bows to each other.
"I just can't wait to break you into half, ooman!, " he smirks. "And I you," she smiles and made the young Warrior blood boiled.
"BEGIN!," roared the referee and Yeyinde start to attack.
Never show your back to your enemies. They will see it as an easy opening to rip your skin from your flesh!
L'arja's words echoed in her mind. She will need a lot of focus this time!
Yeyinde gave her his first blow which is his intention to hurt her head, but  Eclair jumped to the right before she kicks his left thigh real hard. He roared before stumbles on his face.
Continue your attack! Do not give your enemies a chance to stand up!
She turned to see L'arja. His mandibles tighten to his inner teeth.
Yeyinde stood up and yanked her arms and slammed her body on the floor. She yelp and arched her back screaming in pain. 'C'jit!' She thought to herself and curse because being careless. Without second thought, Yeyinde kicked her on her gut and made the woman scream with her eyes wide open.
She rolled to the left and crawl away from his clawed feet. The crowd begin to roars and some of them 'boo-ing' at her. She won't let her mate embarrass after his hardwork teaching her to spar.
"Not yet big boy!," she spat and ran towards her opponent. Yeyinde laugh as he feels confident to break another of her bones. But he's miscalculated!
Eclair send her powerful kick under his chin and sent him fly across the stage. No more wasting time, she jumped to the air with one of her legs straight up before landing on Yeyinde's back. The sound of the cracking bones bring a smile on her face.
'I can feel few of my ribs broken!'  Yeyinde laid on his stomach, froze with his eyes wide open. Inhale a deep breath, he slowly get up and glared dagger to Eclair. He won't let her win no matter what!
Yeyinde smirks and loosen his tight muscles and began to do his math. To his surprise, Eclair moved her body with an unusual style. He tilted his head, trying to recognize the move.
"That is Kung Fu," L'arja stated to the warriors seated next to him. His chest swell with pride that Eclair was capable to fight her opponent from combination of his skills and her martial arts.
"What are you doing ooman!," he clenched his fist.
"This is what I have learned from my homeland - Earth," she bent her left leg and straight up her right leg. Smooth and grace like Shaolin Kung Fu.
Yeyinde roared and feel humiliated and try to kick her on the head.
'Feel the aura around you. Enjoy the energy that natures give you. Move like a wind, fly like an eagle, calm as a water and stand hard like a rock.'
This time her eyes began to water. It was her father's word. Open her eyes she saw Yeyinde began to lift his legs as he wants to send her a painful blow on her ribs. Before it happened she grabbed his one leg, and throw him to the side using his weight momentum.
"You filthy ooman whore!," he roared and again, the same technique he used to keep her down.
"Do you still using your poor method to 'kill' me huh, big guy?," she smirks before poke his eyes and triple punches on his gut.
She kicked his neck before another kick to both of his legs and made the 7'6" Yautja fall on his stomach.
She squat on his back, pulls his locks and grabbed his head backward before tighten her arms around his neck.
"Submit!," she growls.
"Never!," he hissed.
"Or I won't hesitate to kill you!," she smirked. The referee growls and said this match is not a death match.
"SUBMIT, BIG GUY!," she scream as the crowd still roaring and hissing. L'arja looks into his eyes and hissed menacingly.
"I... I submit!," he dropped his head and Eclair walks to the center of the stage. The referee then announced Eclair is the winner. She smiles and look at the huge crowd. Wiping her sweat, she looks at L'arja. Her handsome mate purrs and walk to the stage. She ran and jumped into his arms.
"You did it, mate," he keeps purring and rub her silky smooth hair. "Thanks to you love," she replied and nuzzle her face into his warm body.


Meanwhile Yeyinde was treated in the medical bay. He just can't believe that small ooman like her would beat him this bad.
He stared at the empty wall, thinking back the fight few hours ago.
"Hey!," he jolted and scream as someone slapped on his back. His eyes widened and confused when he saw Dachande laugh like a crazy Yautja.
"It's not funny!," he hissed and glared to Dachande.
"Not bad huh?," he just can't keep from giggling when he saw his mighty and fierce friend yelped like a little pup. "What do you want now, Dachande! To come here and laugh?," he barks, Dachande cleared his throat. "They want to meet you," said Dachande. "Who?," he chirped.
Both L'arja and Eclair walk into the medical bay and stand near his bed.
He growls at Eclair before L'arja's snapped him with menacing growl.
"What do you want, ooman!," he spat and glanced.
"I just want to say thank you!," she said and made all the Yautja confused. A moment later,  Kith'du came in. He wasn't alone. He brought his new female along with him. And that new female is an honorable warrior.
"Greetings, Clan Leader!," all of them including Eclair bowed their heads to show respect to their leader. "You and that ooman fought very well," Yeyinde bowed his head and Eclair turned her face. He still using "ooman" terms to insult her. The warrior female Yautja scoffed and glared to Eclair.
"And you L'arja. Congratulations because you teach your ooman pet very well," he smirks before laid his eyes on his former pet. Eclair stared at him and bite her tongue. "Due all respect, my leader. My mate is named Eclair and she's not a pet," L'arja could feel his mate tensed and he begin to rub his palm on her back slowly. "She's still a pet even she's mated with you, warrior!," the 8'8" female hissed. Clenching her fist, she ignored that female insolent words.
Turned to Yeyinde, slowly Eclair pat his shoulder, smiles and made the Blooded Warrior flinched in surprised. "Why?," he demanded.
"I just wanna say thank you and to all of you - because  made me learn a little bit faster, made my skin a little bit thicker and makes me that much smarter.  So thanks for making me a fighter," she smiles and walks out from the medical bay with her mate. Kith'du give her a glance and eyeing both of them.

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