
"On my journey up north, I thought of no one else but you.

Your face plastered in my heart and in my mind
It was so hard leaving your side,as I dreaded each passing moment without your touch,your kisses,and your jokes which wasn't really funny but I love them anyways.

You never forgot to bring me breakfast in bed with a note telling me how beautiful I looked every morning

Even when I knew I looked horrible.

You never did look passed those tiny little things, did you?
and that's why.

"You told me time would pass by before I knew it, and you would always be there counting down the minutes until I return .

But would you actually wait for me? Am I worth waiting for?

Those constant thought consumes me day by day

"No, No,No...

As much as I love you, I can't let you do that.

I can't be selfish to ask that of you

You deserve a life much better than the one I'm offering

You deserve someone that's is not me

You deserve better than this "MESS"

"I often wear my emotions on my skin.

A walking chaos.

A living disaster.

A breathing time bomb.

And I know you are saying,"That's what I love about you"

But can you really love a broken and lost soul?

So why do you still want to wait for me


Find yourself someone who deserves you

Someone who wouldn't ask for much, but gives you all

Someone who doesn't needs saving as much as I do,

Someone who puts in as much effort as you do,

Someone, that's not ME.

"I know you are still saying, "But that someone is you".

"Maybe I might be that someone for you,but I don't check out all the boxes.

I'm not enough for YOU.

"Oh God, maybe I am just over thinking things as always

But who can blame me I'm just tried of feeling not good enough for you,constantly hating myself for not giving you all of me

"You always said, your love was enough to sustain the both of us, but how long would that love last?

"Constantly afraid of letting myself drown in another devastating let down

Terrified to hold on tightly and inevitably dropping us carelessly.

"But I have come to realize and know that's not the case with you

Knowing fully well that you would always be there to catch me when I fall,and to shield me from myself and my demons

"A thousand and one times, I pushed YOU away
A million and one times, you came back to ME



You made me know what's the true meaning of happiness really felt like

With you I felt. ME

You kept on bringing down my walls with a single snap of your finger no matter how hard I tired to keep them up

And you showed me true love was actually possible

"I'm a difficult person to love and i know that for a fact

"But you didn't care at all,you just loved me

"But i kept on giving you all those broken promises and empty expectation,but you never allowed me to question where I stood in your life

"Many girls obsess about being the perfect girlfriend, having the perfect hair,flawless makeup on, cooking the perfect food,even obsessing over being prefect in bed.

But you never allowed me feel I needed to do or to be all that with you

You LOVED me in my weakness and also in my strength

"You LOVED my bad cooking, even though I constantly said it was perfect.

You LOVED my make up less face and you constantly told me how beautiful I was even without them on

Even as I tried so hard to put them on but failed horribly at it


"Words are kind of failing me right now.

"Being far away from you sucks,the thought of not feeling you near me literally kills me , but is now my turn to be strong for the both of us,to keep the flame on for the both of us

I'm promising you one thing, no matter where life takes us, I wouldn't give up on what we have, cause you are forever for me

I would never need anyone else, no matter how hard they all try to take your place cause

"YOU are YOU for me

"I always feel everything so intensely,and I thought that was a bad thing

But right now I don't think it is anymore,cause i'm stuck on no one else


Hey Lovelies, how re you all doing, so I know you all are wondering why this? What happened to Breaking Zane Blac? Breaking Zane Blac is still on and it been🔥🔥🔥, but I just decided to write a little something ,really don't know why 🤷 you can say I'm a hopeless romantic that just it

So this is "Love letter"

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