
This is no more a love letter to you is a letter of hate, despair, heart break and pain

Cause it took me 5 years , before I could get myself to write this

In order to vent out my anger and frustration, just maybe this might be my first step to recovery

Words can't express how scattered my soul feels as you dimmed the ever glowing light inside my heart

Back on the road,I thought of no one else but you,as i couldn't wait to be in your arms again

But all my excitement and Joy were all scattered at that moment

That moment I tried so hard to erase from my mind,to bury it in the deepest part of my heart

But can anyone truly hide pain?

Cause as much as i try, it keeps on creeping back on to this prefect face of mine

With every of my dream hunted by that image.

By my demon

That demon that laughs in my face and tells me I deserved everything I got from you

Okay I think I should remind you,what you have done, cause I know you have moved on with your life forgetting all the damage you had caused me

So just like every young girl I had always dreamt about my Mr perfect

Tall, dark skinned, body of a Greek god with eyes so blue just like the ocean

Always imagining the day when he would come and sweep me off my feet and we would ride off together into the sunset with nothing or no one stopping us back

Yes, I know it may seem funny but that was what I felt

Praying each day that I would finally get to meet him and my life would change forever

Which it did after I found you, and i fell helplessly and hopelessly in love with you

You were all could ever imagine and more

Knocking down every bar I did set up

And shattering down all my walls, I did manage to build up

You had me hooked on you like an addictive drug

Yea, You were so Perfect

And when I had to travel,been away from you hurts, as I couldn't wait to see you again

As I waited patiently, eagerly awaiting the moment when we could see each other again

But that moment soon turned out to be my worst nightmare

Remember that night, when your kisses became aggressive and intense , and I foolishly thought it was because you had missed me so much

But no it wasn't......

Your touch became more of a punishment than a bliss , burying your fingers deep into my skin with so much intensity I screamed out in pain

I told you to stop, no I begged you to stop

Cause I knew I didn't want to be taken like this, I didn't want to be possessed with so much angry and rage

But no, you didn't listen

So piece by piece you took away my essence as I cried out for you to stop

I needed you to stop......

Struggling , Screaming and pleading

I knew I didn't want this, I knew love shouldn't be this way

But you kept on going, I could still remember the look in your eyes as I struggled to set myself free from you

With no strength left to fight..

I gave in.....

Laying still,closing my eyes

Accepting my fate.....

Confused as to why my perfect dream

Just easily turned out, to be my biggest night mare

Asking myself constantly....

Did you do it to punish me? Did I deserve it?

Wondering how the love we both shared, just didn't matter to you anymore

Cause all I saw in your eyes were all hatred for me

For the woman you claim to love..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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