Solution II

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Noshiko stands in dark room anxiously.

"What is it Noshiko?" A voice asks in the dark. The ancestors will gather in dark room whenever they need to meet. They stay in the shadow all the time.
" we have problem in Beacon Hills." She says.
" land of supernatural" an old lady voice says.
"There is beast out there attacking innocent people. We found out it has weakness towards lightning. We are trying use it against it. But..." Noshiko sighs.
" lightning kitsune. Only person can stop it." A voice says.
"Yeah..we all know Kira is a lightning kitsune too but she is not there. She is still learning to control her power. Is there could any other lightning kitsune can help?" Noshiko ask expectantly.
"U know Noshiko the kitsunes comes with single. A power for a kitsune. There's no a power to alot of kitsune. That what special about us. Every kitsune represents their own power. Your daughter is the only lightning kitsune in the century." Another voice says.
Noshiko hungs her head disappointedly. "But u can try another way since Kira could not help." A voice says. "We look out for any possible ways to solve it..we just end up nothing." Noshiko replied sadly.
"There is one." A old man speaks.

Back in Beacon Hills.

Scott , Stiles , Lydia and Liam with Mason sat in the kitchen.
"So, is anyone gonna tell anything. We are here like for half and hour and nobody says anything." Mason voice out. Liam glares at him.
"We are still trying to figure a way to destroy this beast out there." Scott says sadly.
" yeah. Day by day the number of people dying increases. We should solve this real fast." Stiles says flipping some book. Lydia seems zoned out even after her phone rings.  Stiles shakes her body lightly  and she look at him and the rest" what?" She ask him.
"Your phone" Mason points to her bag. Lydia grab her phone and answer it.
"Put me on loudspeaker" Noshiko says. Lydia turn it on and place it on the table.
"Scott there is a old temple in the woods which was damaged during a earthquake. The temple is a ancient one. It has to be there for centuries. The ancestors told there is a portal inside the temple we can use to send the beast back to its own world. That is the only way to end it." Noshiko says.
" how we should,turn the portal on?" Scott asks.
" there has to be three pillars in a garden area. The pillar stood still even after the earthquake because they had superpowers to itself. The ancestors use gem stone to open and close the portal." She explain more.
"And where are this gem stones?" Stiles leans in.
"Still there. Inside the temple. They kept it in box and throw it in a pond. Find it. And use it to open the portal. But u should draw the beast towards the temple.In order to send it back u need to weaken it. This is not going be easy Scott" she adds on.
"Thanks alot Mrs.Ken. We will do this. Be safe." Scott says.
"Same" she replied and hungs up.
"To the temple it is" Stiles grabs his keys.  They all leave.

In the woods.  Lydia try to locate the temple by maps. And find it right in middle of the woods. They all along Malia stood in front a destroyed stone built temple. Wild leaves were surrounded it. The rooftop collapsed and fallen trees at the entrance. Scott has send the location to Chris. Liam and Scott lifts the blocking tree and open the wooden door. Scott went first following by the rest.
"First we need to find the gems." stiles says.
"But theres 5 ponds here and which one we are looking for?" Mason ask pointing the ponds. They all turn to see the ponds and sighs.
"Okay we will go down all the 5 and find the box." Scott suggest.
Stiles and Lydia gulps nervously. Scott look at them.
"Im not ready to die drowning buddy. Come on u love me right. Dont make me do it." Stiles scratch his neck. "Im not a good swimmer." Lydia exclaims.
"Alright..who ever come out first check the last pond." Scott says. The rest nods.
Malia, Mason, Liam and Scott stand infront their respective ponds. Suddenly Lydia felt something is wrong.
"Guys..just...just be careful" she say looking at them. They look at each other and once Scott nods they went down the pond.

When Malia went down her eyes glow into blue and she use it to see through the water. She saw broken statues here and there when she felt something swim behind her. She turn to see nothing and turn back just to be scarred by a souls inside there. She gasps moving back. It was her biological mom's. The soul started to choke Malia.

Meanwhile Lydia and Stiles panicked saw the bubbles on each pond.
"Why do i feel like taking the box is not gonna be easy as Noshiko said." Stiles ask Lydia.
"Because it is. The box contains valuable gem which use to open a supernatural portal. That means those who hide the box definitely let something to guard it too." Lydia explains.

Inside the pond each of them fight with the souls and the same time look for the box. Some souls tries to pull Liam down to make him drown. He kick and thrashes and lastly growls scaring them away. Mason freaked seeing the souls. They tries to distract him by showing his bad memories. He ignore it and search through the pond and resurfaced first. Stiles and Lydia help him out.
"Nothing" he says looking at them. Lydia then look at the last pond.
At the same time Malia also came out angrily gasping for air. Stiles wrap his jacket around her.
"Im not going down anymore in that stupid pond." She yells.
Mason the walk to the last pond.
"U dont have to do it if u dont want." Lydia says to him.
"Its okay. I will do it." Mason says and goes into the pond not before inhaling as much air he can. Lydia clasped her hands together. Later Liam came out too.
Scott went deep down searching for the box. All he see was roots and plants. Suddenly he saw something swimming towards him. It was his mother.
"Mom?" Scott got confused. Suddenly a root goes around Melissa's neck strangling her. Scott watch a souls smiles creepily from behind her. Scott close his eyes convincing himself that this is just dream. He open his eyes to see Allison in there with him. She smiles at him coming to him. She gently touches his cheeks.
"This cant be true." Scott says.
"No.. this is true. Look, im alive. I came to save u. Come with me Scott. Lets go some where far from here. We start a new life. U and me. Our happily ever after." Allison's lips brushes against his. Then she kissed him. Scott seems to be lost and close his eyes. He felt he his moving but he couldn't do anything.
"Scott" he hear a voice in his head.
"Scott, open your eyes." The voice says again.
Scott see a sharp light in his mind. He heard swords clashing sounds. He saw Kira fighting against her fox and she is losing it. She fall to the ground-and her eyes met his before closing. Scott open his eyes shocked and saw he is being drag by a soul but not Allison. He started to fight with it and it seems to be strong. Suddenly someone grabs him from above and drag him to the surface. Scott,gasps for,air spitting the waters. Chris pats him from behind.
"Thanks" he thanked him.
"This ponds are cursed. Each ponds have somethings treasuring down there. So the ancestors use souls to guard it. both good and bad." Chris says wiping his face.
"Did anybody get anything?" Scott ask them.
Lydia shook her head, "Mason is in the last pond" she says looking at it.

In the last pond Mason saw alot of boxes in there, and he is nit sure which is the right one. He open some of the box just to find jewelleries and wastes. While he open another box somebody touches his shoulder. He saw a beautiful girl with glowing light around her. It signs him something with its hand, Mason watch her confused. After a few try Mason got what she mean to tell. She asks him what he is doing down here and Mason dont know how to reply. If he speaks he will lose his airs. He saw here and there for something to explain her. Later the girl put her hand to his chest and close her eyes. He watch her intently. She open her eyes few second later and hold his hand draging him. Mason in fear hold a box and stop moving. The girl look at him and he shook his head. The girl smiles and just blinks her eyes at him to trust her. Mason eventually let go the box and follow her. She brings him to another side and points at a box. Mason look at the box and her. She gestures him to it. Mason took the box and open it to find the gems in there. He then close it back and look at the girl doubtfully. She now hold his head between her hands.
"U wanted it for a good purpose. So im letting u to take it. Make sure bring it back." A voice says in his head. The girl smiles and slowly leans in to kiss him.
"U are a good guy. U wanted to save your friends. Go save them." The voice says again. She let him go and Mason just watch her as he floats to up. He came out gasping for air.
"I got it" he say happily after a while. Scott help him out and smiles at him.
After they settle down and long silence Chris speaks. " Now we have to get the beast come here." Taking his transmitter out. Scott seems to be distant. Lydia notices that and sit beside him.
" hey, u okay?" She ask him.
"I don't know. Down there i saw something. And i hope its must a dream." Scott clasps his hand. Lydia gently hold his hand drawing circles on it.
"Dont worry. Everything will be alright." She convinced him and herself because Deep down Lydia felt something is going to be wrong.

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