Figuring Out

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Later the night. After dinner Melissa and Chris were doing the dishes will the others play with the new addition to the family. Everyone adore baby Allison so much. Each vows to protect the baby with their life because they dont to lose either Allison or Kira. Scott came down from his room and found Stiles is not with the others. He walk up to front door and goes to find Stiles sitting in foyer in deep thought. Stiles does not even realise that Scott sat beside him and calling him several times until he shake his shoulder.
"Yeah, what?" Stiles ask.
"I ask what were doing out here? Is..everything okay stiles?" Scott look at his best worried.
"Ya ..ya i, totally fine. Why wouldn't i." Stiles chuckles. But Scott can sense that his best friend is not fine.
"Okay..i gonna ask u one more time..tell me what wrong?" Scott look at him concerned. Stiles saw Scott's eyes and give in.
"Okay i was just thinking all the things happening around us. See scott i cant go though another dead of friends. Allison,Aiden even we dont count him as a friend..i dont know.. Boyd, Erica and now Kira too. How do u coping up with this all?" Stiles loo at his best friend who just sighs.
" i dont know Stiles...maybe they are not there in person but im keeping them alive in my memories. The memories are still freshly in my mind." Scott clasps his hands together.
"The night when i had Kira on my arms i know how it felt having Allison in yours too. They both died saying the same thing. 'I love you Scott'. All the did was love you, love others, save them,, fight for those they loved. I just think how it would be if we all were just a normal human being. Come on Scott. Lets just leave all this behind and live a normal live. What do u say?" Stiles look at his bestie sadly.
"Stiles, is that really u telling this?" Scott look at his amusedly. Stiles chuckles.
"Yeah. Why not. Promise me Scott. We dont get involved with all the supernatural things. And for once we study, graduates, go college and graduates and go for work. Live the normal life. We dont have to lose another person in our life. Please." Stiles look at him pleading. Scott for a moment just stare at his friend , thinking hardly. Scott knew what Stiles say is true. Everything around them happens because they get involved in it. He thinks it will be better to stay out of all this, so he finally give in and smiles at Stiles.
"Sure. I promise. I will talk about this to others too." Scott says giving Stiles shoulder a squeeze when they heard tyre screech. Mr Stilinski and Parrish greet the two young boy.
"Dad? Parrish?" Stiles look at his father wondering what he is doing here.
" what? We just came to see the baby." He says looking at Scott. He just smiles and nod back to him.
"Come" they all go inside to see a pissed Liam huffing while Lydia cradles the baby with the rest laughing at him.
"Scott,she again peed on me" Liam complains like a child.
"Scott u have two child to rake care" Malia jokes and again they all started to laugh. Parrish sit by Lydia and coos at the baby. Scott's mom come and wrapped her arms around him and he hugged her back kissing her forehead. He couldnt help but to smile looking at everyone.

Months Skips.

Like Scott promised to Stiles he did talk bout what they discuses and the rest of the pack agree to it. They decided to stay low and focus on studies. Chris gives his word to Scott that he will look out woods. Eventhough Scott doesn't get involve and focus on studies and his part time job at animal clinic he still goes to meet Derek and trains with him to be better. Derek teaches the boy willingly.

Weekend afternoon Scott and Stiles and Liam was at Scott's playing video games. Liam was leading with Stiles second and Scott last. Scott give up and throw the controllers on the table before walk into the kitchen to grab some water. He gulps the water and walk back to living room to see Stiles and Liam on ground pulling at each others clothes. Scott chuckles because this is not something new he see. This happens every time they play video games together and each time Liam was on lead and Stiles claim he is cheating. I dont kmo if Liam cheating or not because he said video games were his best friend during his childhood. He pro them.
"Thats enough, come on Liam we have to go." Scott says grabbing his key and helmet. Liam groans and Stiles let Liam free before stand on his feet looking at Scott his eyebrows raised.
"Go where?" Stiles ask him.
"To see my daughter." Scott smiles.
"Oh, i miss that little girl so much. Soon i will come and see her. But now i promised Malia pizza date. So i better move too." Stiles says.
"Do i have to actually come?" Liam look at Scott hoping he will tell him thats fine or something but..
"U have to come." Scott finalised making him groan again but still grab the other helmet and follow him out.

At Kira's.
Scott ring the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. Liam shifted his legs nervously.
"Dont worry...she will go easy on u today." Scott pats his shoulder. Everytime Liam and baby Allison met the baby do something to piss him and make him laughing stock of the day. Yet Liam care the baby so much.
"About the time." Noshiko open the door, smiling at the boys.
"Me and Ken were waiting for u." She says as she move into the living with them trailing behind. Scott walk in to the room and his smiles goes bigger looking at his daughter in the cot giggling. The little baby turn its head and their eyes met making the baby give him a slobby smile. He walks to her and scoops her from the cot kissing the face.
"Everything u need is in the kitchen Scott. So we will be heading out. Take care. See guys soon." Noshiko says before lesve.
"Bye boys" Ken yells following his wife. Liam close the door and flop on the couch. He saw Scott and a smile tucked on his face. Scott  for a moment forget his surrounding. For him, he and his little daughters were in a whole another world. He was cooing at her and she giggles at him clapping her little hands together. After a few moment he look up to se Liam's eyes are on him with a smile on his lips.
"What?" Scott asks.
"Nothing. Its just u look different when everyone u both together. U will really make a great dad Scott." Liam says genuinely. Scott chuckles lightly. He caress the baby's face softly. The both spend times with the baby and as usual Allison pissed Liam but he just leave it behind and carries on playing with her. All of sudden baby Allison starts to wail loudly.
"I think she is hungry. Let me go grab her milk." Scott says going into the kitchen. Raising her baby Scott learned so much from both his mother and Kira's. They teach how to handle a baby , what the baby needs and all. He mixed the milk powder and warm water in her feeding bottle and shake it while going back tho the room. Liam was trying to pacify her. Scott gently scoop her in his arm and fed her. After a few oucme the baby spit out the bottle and wails again. He place her on shoulder to smoothes her back.  The baby still cries. Both Scott and Liam panicked and tries to calm her down. This the first time she is doing it since they met her. After alot of failed tries Liam and Scott flop on the couch exhausted yet not get to stop her crying. The baby starts to hiccup with tears stained face. Scott look at her clueless.He thought to call either his mom or Kira's to ask them what's the problem. Liam sighs frustrated and suddenly his eyes glints happily.
"Scott give me your phone" he ask Scott.
"What?" Scott raise his brows.
"Trust me. Give me yr phone." Liam insists. Scott give his phone to him. Liam walks to baby Allison while tapping on Scott's phone. The baby was still crying and when she look at him she wails again. Liam shows Scott phone to the baby and her cries slow down before completely gone and she smiles looking at the phone. Scott was curios do know what Liam does so the baby stops crying.
"What did u do Liam? What u just show her?" He ask standing behind him. Liam turn and shows Scott his phone where Kira's picture were showing up.  Scott smiles sadly looking at her pic. He grab the phone and sat by the baby showing Kira's pic. The baby starts giggling back and tries to get hold the phone.
"Thanks" scott says to Liam who just smiles.
" its just a small guess." He says. Scott nods his head before look back his daughter who happily coos at her mom. Scott just wished she were there with him. With them. His face turns sad and his heart clenched in pain. Until now he regrets letting her go with the skin walkers and how he didn't get to talk to Her or hear her before she left him forever.
"U miss her, dont you?" Liam ask looking at him.
"Very." Scott says before see his daughter yawns, her eyes closes tiredly. He cradles her softly before placing her on the cot.
"I love you and i love your mom so much" he whispers looking at her. Liam and Scott end up eating lunch Noshiko made for them and wait until they come. After the nap Scott clean the baby changing her into pjs and fed her. Liam already left when Scott ask him to go back home. Again Scott shows Kira's photo to the baby, she hold phone tightly in her hand cooing at it. Scott just smiles how his daughter adores her mom. In distant he hear some murmuring. He goes into alert mode and look around. He use his wolf,hearing to listen. He hears Noshiko's and Ken voice outside the house.
"She has to be something Ken." Noshiko says looking at her husband who sighs.
"She is werewolf. What else u think she could be?" He ask his wife.
"I dont know but trust me she is not just a werewolf. She is more than that." Noshiko says turning to the frontdoor. Inside Scott couldnt help but to wonder who they were talking about. He just cant ask them about it so he decide to let it be.

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