Seventh Grade

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(Okay so I've had this idea that Michael starts developing feelings for Jeremy around 7th grade and so that's what I'm writing about here. Also I don't write very often so I'm sorry if this is terrible lol)

Michael's body lay across the couch, his eyes groggily following  what little he could pay attention to on the screen of the television. He shifted in his mountain of blankets to reach for water, but his glass was empty. He fell back to the couch in defeat, and sighed. Suddenly, he heard a few knocks at the door, and a soft voice speaking through the door. 

"Hey, Michael, it's just me. Can I come in?"

Thank god, Micheal thought. "Yeah, of course." He tried to sit up as he heard the door being unlocked to the left of him. At last, he gave up, flopping back down to his sanctuary. 

"Whoa, man. You don't look too good." Jeremy stood in the doorway, slipping the spare key back underneath the doormat. "When you weren't at school, I thought you'd be sick, but I didn't think you'd be dying!" He laughed, walking up to his friend. 

"Yeah, well, if I had to die, at least I'd be skipping school!" Michael smiled before erupting into a wave of coughing. "But really, though, do you mind getting me some water? Matt said I should drink a lot, it helps to flush the sickness out or whatever," he paused for a second. "I feel like that's what adults always say, though." 

Jeremy chuckled. "You know, he's not really an adult yet. He doesn't have any more control over your life then you or I!" 

"Yeah, I know, but maybe older brothers are on the same level as parents? I don't know man, my brain's too fried to think."

"Where is Matt, anyway?" Jeremy asked, picking up the water glass off of the ground. "Shouldn't he be the one taking care of you?" 

"He said he has a shift at work after school today. Won't be home until I think 5 or 6." Michael coughed a few more times. "Still, at least I've got you!" 

"Alright." Jeremy smiled, looking over at him. Michael's heart fluttered. His friend's blue eyes sparkled with compassion, but they were littered with worry. Jeremy turned away, heading for the kitchen. Michael was left with his own thoughts as his face turned red. His heart started to thump against his chest, and thoughts started swirling through his mind. 

No, that's just Jeremy, normal as ever, Michael tried to convince himself. But that look... He wanted to see that look again, to see the sympathy Jeremy felt for him. He closed his eyes and let the moment repeat in his mind. Jeremy... 

He felt something tapping on his hand. Opening his eyes, he saw it was just Jeremy. "Oh, hey Micha! I thought you fell asleep there," he explained. 

"Oh, um, h-hi Jer. How are you doing?" Crap. Michael's hands became sweaty. 

"Hey, are you doing alright?" Jeremy looked worried. "You don't look too good. Did you check if you have a fever?" He rested his hand briefly on Michael's forehead before quickly pulling it back. "Dude, you're really warm. Why do you have so many blankets on?" 

Michael shrugged. "I-I don't know, it was comfortable, okay?" 

"Well take some off, then. Do you have any medicine for this?"

"Matt gave me some this morning, but he told me not to take any more. Maybe sleeping will help?"

"Maybe." Jeremy stepped back while Michael threw a few blankets to the ground. "What about your parents?" 

"Remember, they left for that trip last weekend?"

"Oh, right." He walked over towards his backpack. "Well, do you mind if I do some homework here?" 

"Not at all. " Michael rolled over to a comfortable position. "And can you turn the TV off? It's giving me a headache."

"Yeah, of course."

The two friends sat in silence as the minutes added up. Michael pretended to be asleep, but he was wide awake, thinking of Jeremy. No matter how hard he tried to deny it, he felt something special in those moments, when Jeremy looked at him with concern, when he placed his hand on Michael's forehead, or even when he was cracking jokes about Michael dying. 

After hours had passed, Jeremy finally stood up. "Micha?"

"Yeah Jer?"

"I'm going  home now, okay? Don't die on me."

"I'll try not to."

"Good." Jeremy let out a soft laugh before heading out and locking the door behind him. 

(Uuuuuhhhh so that's the first story I guess?? Tell me what I need to improve for my next one! :DDDD)

(And yes I know that Michael probably doesn't really have an older brother but shhhh, it worked in the story alright)

Words- 800 

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