Game Stop

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(A/N okay so this doesn't just go for this episode but also everything that I write but please point out any grammatical mistakes that I make because I'm always nervous about looking dumb NOW ONTO THE STORY)

--Jeremy's POV--

The buzz of the mall was drowned out by the comfortable silence of the Game Stop. I looked down at some of the games in the isle. They were thrown half-haphazardly on their shelves, and some looked like they didn't even belong. I picked up a zombie game that looked sort of interesting. Apocalypse of the Damned...could be interesting. 

"Ah, I see I've met someone with good taste." I nearly jumped at the sound of his voice. Looking up, I saw someone a few inches shorter than me, who looked about my age. He looked strangely familiar. His dark brown eyes trailed from the shelves in front of me to the game in my hand. "Wait, you're going to play that game?" 

Uh...yeah? Do it?" I responded awkwardly.

"LIKE it? I LOVE that game! I've played it at least a million times!" A bright smile spreads on his face. I recognize that smile from somewhere...He looks back up at me. His eyes are shining. 

Suddenly something clicks in my brain. "Wait, are you the guy that works at the arcade?"

He looks confused at me for a second before slowly nodding his head. 

"That's where I recognize you from! Oh my god, I love that place!" I couldn't hide the excitement that sprang from my voice. "I go there all the time!"

He smiled. "I know! It isn't too often you see high school kids there. Mostly adults trying to relive the past." He let out a small laugh, hesitating before he added, "It's nice to see a cute face there sometimes."

I could feel my face go red. I quickly turned my head back to the games before he could get a chance to see it. "So I should get this, right?"

"Hell yeah you should!" I stole a glance at him and saw his eyes start to sparkle. "It's made for two players, but it works fine if you're playing by yourself. That's how I always played it. And you should get it quickly before a line starts to form." He gave me a small push in the side. 

I giggled. "Yeah, yeah, alright." I checked the price tag quickly before buying it. After the transaction had been completed, I was about to step out of the store when I looked back to see the boy looking at a few games, the smile gone from his face. I walked back over to him and tapped his shoulder. "Hey, do you wanna go out for ice cream or something?"I asked with a shaky voice. 

He looked up at me before responding, "Sure, there's nothing new here anyway." He started to walk towards the front of the store, with me trailing after him. "Oh, and, what's your name?" 

"Jeremy Heere. Yours?"

"Michael Mell. It's nice to meet you." He extended out a hand and I awkwardly shook it. We both laughed, and headed out into the mall.

(Time skip brought to you by the tree that almost murdered me yesterday)

I dug the plastic spoon into a mountain of chocolate ice cream. "So, how did you even get a job there, anyway?" I asked with a mouthful of ice cream.  

"My family own the business." He was almost finished with his chocolate cone.

"Lucky! I wish I had family that cool," I responded. 

"Well, it's not as good as it seems," he laughed. That laugh could send me over the moon. "I have to work most weekends, so I don't get a ton of free time," he continued. He took the last bite out of his treat, looking satisfied. His eyes wandered over to my still full cup of ice cream. "How are you not done yet?"

"Hey, I'm a slow eater!" I quickly responded. 

"Well, I could help you with the rest of it." Before I could respond, he got up from his seat and got another spoon. He sat down, and took a scoop out of my cup. 

"What are you doing!" I could feel my cheeks get warm. "That's mine!"

"Early bird gets the worm," he defended himself. 

"I don't think that phrase applies here," I muttered, half to myself. I could feel my heart starting to beat faster. We stayed silent until the ice cream was done. 

"See," Michael started, "with my help, we were able to get that done so much faster." 

"It was still my ice cream!" 

"Here, I'll make it up to you." He took out a scrap piece of paper and quickly scribbled something on it. "Call me, and I'll make it up to by playing Apocalypse of the Damned." 

"I looked at the note he handed me. "You know, I have my phone with me. Why didn't you just tell me your number so I could put it in?"

"Well, I'm extra. What can I say?" He stood up with a bounce, almost breaking the chair. 

"Michaeeellll..." I groaned, rolling my eyes. He shot me a smile before bouncing (now more carefully)  out of the store. I looked down at the paper he gave me. I suddenly realized that it didn't have any phone numbers on it. Instead, it read, "GOTCHA! Go to the arcade some time and then we can talk," with a smiley face at the bottom. "MICHAEL, COME ON!" I yelled, running out of the store before I had the chance to catch any weird looks people gave me. 

Words- 943

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