Chapter 1(Pilot)~Part 1~

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3rd Person P.O.V.

In a city where there are tall buildings and all you can mostly hear are sirens,people talking and honking at each other.But on top of a building was a girl with darkish lightish brown hair,green eyes,has a black sweater with a black shirt underneath,black skinny jeans,black above the ankle boots,goggles with green lenses,tan skin,and black fingerless gloves.She was running swiftly and yet quietly across the rooftops.One might event think of her like a cat.She stops on a building looks down and smirks,she then opens her arms out like a bird then falls forward off the building.She land on top of another one then slides off the tarp of it gracefully into a large crowd of chattering people.She then walks down the street then takes out a pocket knife,she clicks the button then the blade pops out.She cuts the paper bag of an old woman who has her white hair in a ponytail.

"Oh!Hey!"the old lady says in a gasp.

The girl quickly and quietly grabs the milk carton and walks away quickly with it hiding it in her sweater.She then walks by a man with a long beige trench coat on and take his wallet out of it's pocket,she then shoves it inside her back pocket.The man puts his hand in the pocket then looks at a guy.

"What?I think she got my wallet,"the man in the trench coat said.

"Yeah,"the other man replied.

"Hey!"the man in the trench coat shouts at the girl.

The girl looks at the man then runs.The guy follows shouting."Thief,stop!Stop her!"

It was like a cat and mouse chase.But the man didn't notice the girl climb up the ladder to go to the roof of the building until she was already on the second one to the second floor,he just stood there watching her climb till she got to the top.The girl ran till she got to the back side of the buildings ladder.She then walks down them till she jumps down landing in a squat position then stands up.She walks to the side and opens the wallet taking out the money with a smirk and puts in her pocket throwing the wallet to the side.She goes on on knee saying."Pss-pss,"quietly as she pours milk into a tin then a cat pops out meowing as it drinks the milk.She then hears laughing she then turns to see three people and it was the Waynes with a girl who wasn't related to them.Martha Wayne was wearing a black dress,her blond hair in a bun,black heels,black purse on her arm,and a long furry coat.Thomas Wayne was wearing a black suit with black dress shoes to match and a briefcase.Bruce Wayne was wearing the same thing as his father but a black coat over his suit.The girl was wearing a short black dress that was see through from the shoulder and was about one inch long and black flats to go with it and her hair was in a ponytail and curled.
"Oh,come on,Tom,it wasn't that bad,"Martha Wayne said in a laugh as they walk down the dark alley.

"Oh,no?Childish Drivel,"Thomas Wayne responds in a light laugh.

"Well,the acting was fine and the music was lovely,"Martha said with a smile."What about you Bruce and (Y/N)?"

"I agree with you Mrs.Wayne it wasn't that bad,"(Y/N) said with a smile.

"Oh,(Y/N),please,you don't have to call me Mrs.Wayne all the time just call me Martha,"Martha said as she looked at her then looks at Bruce."So, what about you Bruce?"

"Sorry, Mom and (Y/N), I agree with Dad.It was kinda lame,"Bruce said in a light chuckle as he smiled.

"Wow Bruce and to think we're best friends,"(Y/N) said in a laugh.

Thomas laughs as he says."There's no such word as kind of, it was totally lame,"

"You two are so judgemental,"Martha said.

"And Mr.Wayne and Bruce,you guys just don't like because you're not into that theatrical kind of things like me and Mrs-I mean Martha and I are,"

Thomas laughs."Oh,(Y/N) like Martha said you can call me Thomas,"

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