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The stars brought us together.

- What time is it? - Nana yelled over at me. Music was loud and I, well I was pretty cought up with reading that I didn't even hear her. Fun ain't it?

She slapped me across my leg and I picked up my gaze from my phone. She asked me again and I looked at my phone for exact time.

- It 15 past 11.- I said and she nodded getting back to her phone and continuing to type.

I looked around myself and took a glance over the crowed. Two hours we've been here and I saw so many people that I didn't even know they grow up. I mean last time I saw them they were fifth grade and I was in my first year of high school. Damn.

- Hey, it's kinda boring in here. My firend asked me to go hang out, wanna go? - she asked and I nodded.

- Where are we going?

- K1 district.

- How the fuck are we going to get there. That's so far away from here. And plus that's very dangerous area. -I said raising my brow at her. Okey I know I'm young, live fast, get satisfaction. But my mom is going to die at her 39 years of age if police get me home at 3am on Saturday night.

I'm just being cautious about everything. It's not a secret that police is 25/7 patrolling through these streets. Drugs everywhere. Oh boy.

You see our town is devided by districts. We have B, G, R, K1, J, K2, A, V, W, S and K3 district. Those are places out of center of the city. And in the middle of the city we have neighborhoods called by the name of the street. For example if you ask me where do I live I would say in center Kings street. And if you ask someone from out of the range of center they would say B or S or J district, depends on where they are living.

But K3, R and K1 are very, very dangerous districts. Practicality every drug dealer lives there. Our town if full of drugs and our mafia is considered ruthless and very dangerous... I don't know if that's ture but still. Every drug that enters this country needs to get through our city cuz its in the middle and every road to or from all four sides of country goes through our town.

- Hey, I was talking to you! - Nana yelled over music and I directed my attention from drugs and mafia to her.

- What was that again?

- Well as I was saying. There is this guy, actually my friend. He went to our school his name is Shwan, maybe you know him? - she looked at me and I shakes my head no.

- Anyways he is waiting for us in a car outside. Let's go. - she continued.

We said goodbye to Cherry and some other girls that were there and went outside. I had a very strong feeling that this will not go well but I shook it of.

As we were getting closer to the car I could see a guy at drivers place, very familiar if I may add, and a girl next to him.

- No way Sasha is that you? - I asked and she looked at me confused.

- Hey girl, I didn't know it was you we had to pick up! - she got out of the car and hugged me.

Sasha and I met when I spent one summer with my cousins. We lived three blocks away from one another but I never went there to play cuz I was young and I certainly did not want to go on a hill when I had my own friends in my street.

She was there with Violet and Sonya, her two other friends. Ah, it was a good summer. Until I went behind some rundown barn to wee and some guys saw me. That right there my friends is a disaster of a child's dignity... I never went back there that summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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