Part 8 *Knockout x Breakdown*

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This chapter is all about Breakdown x Knockout. Knockout goes threw with Starscream's dare.

*With knockout*

Knockout began pacing back and forth, waiting for Breakdown to return. it was 1 am earth hours and Megatron sent him on a mission to gather energon. He was pacing in the control center when a beep came from the control panel. 

"Breakdown requesting Ground bridge. can't get The target." Breakdowns voice sounded in pain. Knockout pushed the ground bridge open and breakdown came stumbling threw.

"Breakdown?" Knockout asked when Breakdown stumbled over to him. He closed the bridge and ran over and caught Breakdown before he fell. "are you ok?"

"Yeah." Breakdown looked up and Knockout saw he was missing a Optic. 

"Yo- Your Optic!" Knockout tackled Breakdown to the ground and straddled his hips. 


"WHY?!" Knockout felt tear stream down his face. "YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN KILLED!" Knockout covered his face with his hands. Breakdown sat up *like in the picture* and gently touched Knockouts face.

"hey, I promise you, i am fine." Knockout leaned down and hugged breakdown. "It was a ambush by Bulkhead, he's not to happy about this Truce... at least about not having a reason to fight me anymore" Knockout got off Breakdown and helped him up.

"Lets go to the Medical room so i can patch you up." Knockout gently dragged Breakdown to the Medical room.

*After he made the eye patch*

Breakdown sat up and Knockout sat next to him on the Berth. "Why were you up anyway?" breakdown asked out of curiosity.

"I-I," Knockout didn't know how to put his feelings into words.

"What is it KO?" breakdown asked using his nickname. he then pulled Knockout closer to him so they could look each other in the optics. "You can tell me anything." Knockout nodded and sighed. He stayed silent. 'I need to do this.' Knockout turned and faced Breakdown. He then tilted his head up to have their lips connect. Breakdown was supersized but then kissed back, moving Knockout so he was on his lap. Then he wrapped a arm protectively around Knockout's waist and the other behind his head. Knockout then pulled away. Breakdown smiled and then kissed Knockout forehead.

"Wait," Knockout looked at him confused. "Do you feel the same way?"

"By that do you mean I see you as my Spark mate, Then yes." Knockout smiled and hugged Breakdown.

"I am so glad!" Then he yawned. 

"You tired?" Knockout nodded. Breakdown stood up, caring Knockout in his arms, and headed in the direction their shared berth-room. "Lets sleep." He opened the door and laid Knockout on his (Breakdowns) berth and laid next to him.

"G'night Breakdown." Knockout cuddled into Breakdowns side, falling into a deep recharge. 

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"G'Night Knockout." Breakdown Kissed his head again and fell into recharge.

*I'm going to keep Bulkhead and Breakdown's rivalry going on; even with the truce*

Megatron x Starscream: It all started with Truth or DareWhere stories live. Discover now