Message from the Author

1.1K 19 30

💜Hello everyone💜

I just wanted to thank you all for reading my Story! It gives me great Joy to know that i have fans who love this story as much as i do writing it. 

I planned on this being a 4 chapter book with the Comic it was based with it. But then i was asked to continue it by so many of you and it touched me. So I did and wow... This book has 24.4K reads and it makes me so happy!

and with everyone's encouragement and nice comments, You've kept me motivated to keep writing. 

Now, I will be started Collage next week, so My updates will be a little Haywire. Once I'm settled in, i will be able to consistently update.

And because i don't think i've done one for this book, I decided to do a face reveal! 

And because i don't think i've done one for this book, I decided to do a face reveal! 

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Please continue to read this story and give me any feed back you deem necessary.

And once i am done writing this book, i will be going back and fixing my spelling mistakes.

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