Character profile

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Here's a short bio on the main character of this series, Anna Black...

Full name: Anna Leah Black

Parents: Sirius Black and Leah Black (formerly Kendricks)

Status: Half-blood

Birth Date: November 1st, 1979 (12:00 A.M.)

Hair color: light blonde

Eye color: grey

Talents: slight veela descent from mother; ability to point out lies; very magically strong...more info throughout story <(not a cliche plot line, I promise)

Notable features: dark purple arm veins that she almost always covers up; pupils change red when angered; lighting bolt scar on neck; portrayed by Peyton List, but some descriptions throughout will diverge

Personality Traits: brave; loyal; intelligent; good heart; easily gets jealous; quick-thinking; compulsive; a bit mentally unstable; strong; powerful; mean-spirited when angered, but doesn't truly hold grudges

*Note on relations: Anna is, in fact, a Black. This means she is technically related to Harry, Ron, Draco, and others. In this story, THE WEASLEYS AND POTTERS ARE NOT RELATED TO THE BLACKS! So please, I don't want scolding on this, okay? 

Summary: Anna Black is a half-blood living in the muggle world. She's the daughter of Sirius and Leah Black, physically taking after her mother...except for her eyes. Her personality is seen to mirror Sirius' more than her mother's. Although she's not orphaned, she's under the impression she is and has never been informed of her parents or past. 

Her caretakers are her aunt and uncle, who have a daughter two years older than Anna.

Anna's quite outgoing and good at making friends, but her problem of easily being angered or jealous turns away some people, and she refuses to admit those flaws. Her positive relationships with people often waver, but she always finds her way back. When uncomfortable, she becomes submissive. When angered, she won't hesitate to argue or fight. And when in a normal/happy situation, she's charismatic and likable. When in any mood but neutral, her emotions seem to be amplified.

All in all, she's a good person, but she has her flaws, and they will make sense throughout the series.

Don't we all, though?

Anna Black, The Girl Who Lived, Book 1 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now