2: The Super Sneaky Sleepover

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Eleven-year-old Harry and Anna were walking home together after a long day. They both lived on Privet Dr., where the streets were lined with the exact same houses. All small. All brick-faced. All boring.

"Harry, what's wrong?" asked Anna, realizing that Harry had spaced out during her very important rant about Dudley.

"Nothing's wrong," he lied while avoiding her eyes.

"Look, I've known you for years. Obviously I know when something's wrong," she said, but when he didn't respond, she gasped and whispered, "Oooh, do you have a secret? You can tell me, you know I'll keep it."

"Well...okay. This is going to sound weird, but I keep getting letters. There's tons of them, like, hundreds! The thing is, my stupid aunt and uncle are doing everything they can so I won't see them. They're hiding something," Harry explained, looking into the distance as if that would help him figure out the mystery.

"That's odd...do you have any clue who they could be from?"

"No clue. The weirdest part is...they're addressed to my cupboard specifically. Then, I was allowed to have Dudley's old room and the address changed to that. It's like I'm being watched."

"Hm..." hummed Anna, trying to figure out a way to solve the problem. Suddenly she gasped. "I've got an idea! How about you sneak over to my house in the morning. That way, the letter should probably go there instead. Then you'll be able to open it and figure this out once and for all!"

"Anna...you're a genius!" he exclaimed, both of them grinning.

"You're just now figuring that out?" the blonde giggled. They stopped in front of Harry's house. "So the plan...you'll come over tomorrow morning at seven o'clock sharp. That'll give us about an hour until the post comes. The best part is, my family sleeps in."

"Sounds good. See you then!" Harry chirped and said goodbye before dreadfully walking into his house. Anna watched him and waited a bit. Fortunately, after a few seconds of silence, with no Dursleys yelling, she walked home.

When she arrived at the house identical to all the others, with the exception of a "10" next to the entrance, she flung open the door and hollered, "I'M HOME!"

"I can tell," muttered her cousin, covering her ears.

Violet was a teenager now, being two years older than Anna. She had short, light hair and bright blue eyes that, somehow, had the slightest violent tint. The girl was much taller and thinner than her younger cousin, and always would be.

"That was the point, Vi," Anna said with a grin, flopping on the couch in the living room.

"Well, there's no point in being so loud about it. Honestly, you're going to make someone deaf one of these days-"

"Me? Loud? You're delirious!"

"Yeah, I'm the delirious one," she scoffed, daintily taking a seat next to the blonde. "So, how was your day?"

"Good! I made a super sneaky plan with Harry."

"Ooooh, with your boyfriend? What's next? Marriage?"

"Violet..." Anna began quietly. Then, she suddenly seized her shoulders and yelled, "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND! WE. ARE. JUST. FRIENDS!"

"Alright, agh, I'm sorry, just make it stop!" exclaimed the teen, covering her ears yet again.

"You're forgiven."

"Thanks...Anna Potter!"

"Alright, you're gonna get it!" the younger girl stated but Violet was already up and getting a head-start before she could get caught. Of course, she had the advantage, considering the fact that Anna was younger and shorter. Violet let the young girl tackle her onto the couch out of guilt. "Gotcha!"

Anna Black, The Girl Who Lived, Book 1 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now