Chapter 5

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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" I inquired. I held a knife at his throat.

"W-well... I r-ran out of m-my h-house because I h-had gotten in a-an a-arguement w-with m-m-my m-mom and I w-wanted to t-take a walk and b-breath s-some f-fresh air. I t-then saw y-you leading a m-man to an a-alley w-way s-so I decided t-to s-see w-what was g-going on." I guess witnessing a murder really does mess an innocent person up.

"Since I know your telling the truth I won't kill you." I see Wesley visibly relax. "However, if I ever hear that you told something about what just happened, I will personally stab you to death. Now shoo!" With that less word, Wesley ran off.

Hopefully Wesley won't say anything or else I would have to kill more people than needed. It is not that I do not like killing, but more because killing needs time and I do not have much time to waste killing such a useless person.

I called my third command. "Hey, I need a clean up crew at Deerfield st. in an alleyway." Without hearing her reply, I ended the call and decided to go to the underground fighting arena. I wanted to practice some more since you can't never have enough practice in fighting.

I ran over to my car and lighted the ignition. I drove over the speed limit to the fighting arena so I can quickly arrive and book a time that won't be that late in the night since I still have school tomorrow. Arriving at the club, I put on my mask while continue walking in and proceeded to head down to the fighting arena. Once I enter the underground arena, I get swarmed by people cheering and noises of people being punched.

I went up to the front counter and asked calmly. "I want a fight tonight." Noticing that I was the girl from last time he quickly replied.

"Yes, there is an open spot for the next fight you can take. Is that ok?" I nodded at him. When I left, I saw him visibly breathing out a breath he was holding while talking to me. Well he better be scared. I head towards the center of the arena to prepare for my fight.

"For this fight we have the new undefeated champion, THE BLACK KILLER! The person that will be going up against her is the SKULL CRUSHER!" Well at least someone has a name that makes sense.

When I got on to the platform, I see a person probably around 19 years old. He did not say anything about my gender or my stature however, I can tell he was confident in beating me. Well, the saying was never judge a book by their cover and right now he should not judge me that fast.

He held his weight more on his right leg and his left arm is visibly weaker by the way the arm is slowly falling. Skull Crusher tried to punch me in the ribs as his first move but I dodged that and in return, kicked him in the head causing him to fall down. I then jabbed him in the chest with my elbow and started continuously punching his face knocking him out.

I jumped down and collected my money. Apparently the next match included someone that was pretty good in this arena so I stayed to observe his actions. I concluded that he had some technique but to beat me, he still needs a lot more training.

Having been at the fighting arena for long enough, I walked back upstairs and started to get in my car. This actions was not completed when the person I had versed before, Skull Crusher, and other people that are probably his friends had confronted me. He had pulled out his gun and pointed it at me so I followed the action. This caused the rest of his friends pointing their gun at me.

"My name is Damien and I am the leader of the Soul Snatchers. I want to ask you to join my gang and if you refuse, than your dead." Hmmm, the Soul Snatchers. That gang is the 8th most powerful gang in the world. I gotta say I am impressed, not.

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