Why did he come?

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Recommeded: Play the video when reading :3 Hope you enjoy!


Scootaloo's POV


I woke up from my loud annoying alarm clock. I check the time, 7:45 am. Oh geez i'm going to be late! I quickly went up packed my school things and went downstairs for breakfast. 

I looked at the table.

"Ugh not cereal and oats again!", I wailed

"Sorry scoot", Pa said,"We only have this. Maybe Ma will go grocery shopping when she comes back"

Mom went to Fillydelphia for a buisness trip. We don't really know when she'll come back. 

I groan and sat on the table. I ate slowly, making faces everytime I tasted an oat. I hate oats. 

Today was the first day of school and I didn't want to be late because I could see Applebloom and Sweetiebelle 15 minutes earlier. I checked the time, 7:49. I drank my whole bowl and raced out the door.

"See you later Pa!", I said while taking my helmet.

"You too sweetheart!", he replied while I got on my scooter. 

I opened the door, and propelled my wings. I left the door opened but I didn't mind. I loved riding my scooter because I felt so free but I still wonder what my cutie mark will be. I stopped by in the Ponyville Cafe to pick up my lunch. I waited in a short line. I looked at my watch, 7:51. I started to get worried. 

When it was my turn I said, "Daisy Sandwich with some extra grape jam and no oats". It took a minute or two to get my order.

"That'll be 2 bits"

I paid her as quickly as possible while shoving the sandwich in my backpack. I rushed out of the cafe and went on my scooter. While riding, I checked my watch, 7:55. Shoot!

I nearly crashed into an apple stand put a drifted right just in time. I flapped my wings as quickly as possible. I was really close to school when I saw a greyish-blueish colt pass by saying, "Whoa!".

I totally ignored him. I finally arrived in school and I sat down next to Sweetiebelle and Applebloom and the bell finally rang.


Rumble's POV

Today was the first day at my new school. 


I don't like changing schools all the time. I just hope this school wasn't too bad. I packed my things and got ready for school.

On the way, while I was slowly walking but pacing myself, an orange filly who was riding a scooter zoomed passed me.

"WHOA!", I said

She shocked me and I nearly was unable to stay on my hooves. 

I was nearly late for school so I flew as quickly as possible.

I as I flew I wonder who was that orange filly. I saw her a few times around Ponyville. Maybe she goes to the same school as I do because she was heading the same direction.

I finally reached the school but the bell already rang. I was panting already as I walked in the classroom.

This is quite small, I thought

Well it'll have to do. I sat behind the orange coated filly. She was a little bit taller than me, so I couldn't really see the front properly.

Ms Cheerlie introduced herself and so did I. I was the only new student in class. 

"Hi I'm Rumble.", I said nervously in the front

"And where do you come from?", Ms Cheerlie asked

"Umm. Ponyville. I moved from another school"

She smiled and told me to sit down. The orange coated filly was looking at me in a wierd way. I was trying to avoid eye contact with her. When i sat down, she turned back and greeted me, saying her name is Scootaloo. I realized she was a blank flank and so was I.

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