Why did we feel jealous?

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Scootaloo's POV

It's been months. Literally months after the "break-up" of Rumble and Diamond. I had no idea what happened. All I know was that Rumble sayed something to Diamond and that Diamond dosen't want to be with him anymore. It's already the new school year. The final school year before we go to collage/university. Honestly, I don't know the diffrence between them. 

The good news was that after a lot of hard training and focusing, this whole time my speacial talent was riding scooters. I also realized i'm as dumb as a rock. I knew my name meant something and yes finally I got my darn cutie mark. Not a lot of ponies payed attention to it. Only Sweetiebelle sayd congrats and Rumble looked at my new cutie mark and smiled. He made a i-knew-it face.

I sat at my usual spot, next to Shining Star and Speedy Waves, my two new friends. They were both in the smae school from Manehatten, and they came here because both they're step sisters. I wonder if i'll ever get a step sister or brother because my dad was planning on marrying somepony.

He recently broke up with his last SSP (when I mean recently I mean 2 months ago) but now he found a new one. Like how? Well he was quite charming for some mares but if he was my age, he's not my type. Shining Star and Speedy Waves were gossiping about something. They were giggling and then they let me join in thier conversation.

"Oh Celestia, you keep liking cute colts too easily!", Shining Star complained to Speedy Waves

"Stallion! Not colts.", Speedy reminded her

"Oh ya", then they both giggled

I just smiled there.

"So who do you have a crush on?", I ask Speedy

She blushed and pointed to Rumble.

"Him", she answered


I lay on my bed. It's not fair! I had Rumble then Diamond Tiara took him, and now, the new mare likes him. I just stared at the wall, I felt like I need to punch something. I knew jealousy wasn't my thing but the mare was smart, pretty and had everything that I don't have. Plus I saw Rumble looking at her sometimes, and whenever he does, I just feel like it wasn't right. I just needed a walk.

I slowly got out of bed. I avoided all the papers on the floor. I'd been studying hard lately and my dad gave me summer classes so I could prepare for test. I was actually improving but still I really think I'm as dumb as a rock. 

I grabbed my newly polished scooter and my warm sweater, since it was fall. And I headed out. When I opened the door my dad screamed,"Be back before 6:00! Remember we have a speacial guest tonight!"

I sigh, ya Aunt Carrot Top was coming. She's actually my favorite aunt and she's always ready to tell me jokes. I haven't wore my helmet in a long time. I thought I didn't need to anymore. I was going very fast. Faster than normal. And because of that, I knew that I was mad.


Rumble's POV

And again, my brother did the same thing with the milk. This time it was becuase his SSP declined his proposal. I couldn't help but laugh. His SSP said she wasn't ready yet. Well yeah because she was 5 years younger than him and she was still in collage. 

So I went outside for a stroll. It was a beautiful time of the year. Fall. I could smell the hot chocolate they sold in the cafe nearby. And becuase of that, i decided to go get a drink there. I walked towards there when suddenly I heard giggling behind me.

I turned around and saw the two new mares in school. They were both pretty and smart but they're not my type. Plus it was bugging me because whenever I'm near them they just whisper to each other and giggle like I did something. I'm pretty sure one of them has a crush on me but I'm not interested and they weren't really my type. 

I went inside and waited in the line. I looked around and saw Scootaloo with another Stallion. I looked a little closer. It was another new stallion. But, but... They were laughing together and were talking like they were together.

Oh come on Rumble you aren't jealous, I thought to myself

But I was.

"What do you want son?", the stallion at the counter asked

I didn't mind him, I went up to Scootaloo and the new stallion.

"Do you know him?", I asked Scootaloo

I the stallion looked shocked like he was accused of something.

"Oh don't worry you aren't guilty", Scootaloo said to comfort him

She stood up and we went to a corner.

"Why what's wrong?", she asked me

"Um nothing", I answered

"He's just a friend from school"

I didn't believe her for some reason and before she could walkk away for good, I grabbed her hoof and kissed her.

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