The Beggining Of The End

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Dear Diary,

Something bad has happened. It is currently Monday and the world has gone mad. I will start from the start of my day for this to make sense to you.

Just as every morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I cloned out of my bed and looked around my boring and dusty room. Same as everyday. Life was boring and I was sick of it.

I had my breakfast and got ready to leave for work as usual. I worked in a bank on mainstreet. I greeted the neighbours, same as everyday and began my cycle.

On the way there I realised something wasn't right. Cars were driving strangely fast. I juts thought there must have been a sale on or something. Suddenly I see a large explosion over a few buildings. I skid my bike to a stop to take it all in. "A terrorist attack?" I think to myself. I stop to think about whgdatvj should next when suddenly a car comes speeding at me.

I dive off of my bike onto the road. The car slides along the road and slams into oncoming traffic. Something was definitly wrong. I began to panic. Suddenly there were fires and explosions everywhere. The sound of screams and and screeches of tyres filled the air. People start trying to kill themselves. I am frozen in shock.

Suddenly I hear a voice, beckoning me over from a nearby house. I don't even look at the person but I run full speed to them. I dive inside the door as its slammed behind me and locked thoroughly. I look up and around me at the poorly lit hallway I have arrived in. A winding stair case in the centre of the hall is the main attraction. The walls are made of stone and the door is a very solid wood. A man stands infront of me, a very brave man.

He reaches down to help me up and says "Hi there, my names Greg Heffly". I grasp his hand to pull my self up and respond with "thanks for the help, my names Y/N". I look around and notice more people around us. They are later introduced to me as Frank, Susan, Rodrick and Manny.

They say that invisible demons are arriving and if you look at one you will kill yourself. It was all over the news. We don't know how long we will all last in this house.

(thanks for reading guys, get excited for the next chapters because they WILL vary from the film's plot!

Toes before bros!)

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