Treaty Gift

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Kageyama watched Hinata run, the boy's soft orange locks bouncing upon his head, dancing to the beats of his feet pounding against the ground. Currently, they sat under the warm blanket of the afternoon sky at a park near the shorter's house.

Hinata, the dear little sunshine of Kageyama's life, was playing with his little mini version. Nastu ran happily away from her brother, tiny feet padding against the playground's foam flooring. As much as Kageyama felt inclined to join the pair, he couldn't.

Wrapped around his right foot was a cast. A week ago, while saving Hinata's clumsy self, the ravenette had managed to tumble down the stairwell of the school before practice. This means he was prohibited, by both Nastu and her older brother, to participate in any kind of activity that involved his feet. That included walking.

Hinata caught Nastu in one swift swoop, clutching the girl to his chest as his smile grew wider and her chuckles became louder. The sun's gentle rays flashed through their hair and spooled out over their skin, covering the pair in an ethereal glow.

The tiniest smile came to Kageyama's lips. Watching the two, he knew he couldn't ask for anything more in his life. The boy was perfectly content.

And as Hinata's eyes lifted to meet his, he knew that he was actually way beyond just 'content'. Hinata was everything to him and simply being able to gaze at the boy was enough for the taller male. Gazing at the other's upturned lips and sparkling eyes was all he would ever ask for because Hinata was his drug. His favorite thing to overdose on; to drown himself in.

The thing is, Kageyama didn't even mind the thought as his facial expression stretched to mirror his boyfriend's.

How long has it been? ㅇㅅㅇ Have this as a peace treaty :D

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