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kathlyn went out to the front of the school where she knew Annabelle went whenever she wanted to ditch classes. she saw her then approached her

kathlyn: can I sit ?

Annabelle: free country , free school , free bench

kathlyn: well in all fairness this school isn't really free, or cheap

Annabelle: yh its almost as much as my dream college

kathlyn: really?

Annabelle: lol naa I couldn't make it into college even if I had the money

kathlyn: bad credz?

Annabelle: no credz lol

Kathlyn: listen am really sorry about getting off on the wrong foot

Annabelle: well actually we did get off on the right foot , but then the wrong foot kicked me to the ground and stomped all over me after I started talking about its bestiiz

kathlyn: they're not my bestiiz

Annabelle: ahh, so I we you finally got booted , I hate to say I told you so buttt I told you so

kathlyn: I know I know am stupid I deserve all I got for not listening to you but I'll rue today

Annabelle: I believe you meant rue the day lol

kathlyn: no I meant rue today

Annabelle: OK lol good luck with that

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