Chapter 1

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Sawada Household

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Damn you Indraaaaaa!!!" a shout broke the peace in Namimori. 

A dark chuckle was heard next.

"Hn I told you to wake up otouto." the older brunette smirked at the younger brunette who was soaked in cold water.

"Why you!" Tsuna shivered.

Indra looked at him with a sadistic face. "If you don't get out of the bed in the next 20 seconds then..." Indra took out a paintball gun and pointed at the shivering teen. "Well, let's say you won't like what happens. I on the other hand will!" 

A certain hitman who was hiding on one of the trees outside the house smirked as he saw the sadistic older brother. Hmmm, I have a feeling that we are going to get along nicely...Indra Sawada. the hitman then looked at the shivering younger brunette. Him on the other hand...

Indra narrowed his eyes at the tree where a certain sadist was hiding and smirked. Reborn's eyes widened. How did he?! Interesting...thought Reborn.

Indra looked at Tsuna who was still sitting on the bed. "20 seconds are up. Prepare to die otouto." Indra smiled sweetly


1 hour Later...

Namimori High...

A certain ravenette demon Perfect glared at the smirking older Sawada.

"Hn. Carnivore you're late." said Kyoya.

"Hn. (I was taking out the trash.)"

Kyoya narrowed his eyes. "Hn (fine.)"

"Hn (see you later kyoya!)"

Kyoya grunted as he left. 

"Dame-Tsuna it seems your big brother isn't here to save you." said the leader of the bullies as he looked at the younger brunette.

Tsuna closed his eyes preparing for the beating.

"Gah!" the bullies shouted in pain.

Tsuna slowly opened his eyes and saw the bullies on the ground. He looked at the leader of the group and saw Indra's foot on the leader's stomach. Indra smiled sadistically as he heard a breaking of a few bones.

"Oh dear, I may have accidentally broken his ribs. I had planned on breaking those later." said Indra. 

"!" said the leader of the bullies.

"What did you say I couldn't hear you."


"A-Aniki." said Tsuna.

Indra looked at Tsuna from the corner of his eyes. "Hn. Get to class otouto. I'll come after I take out the trash."


Tsuna ran away as quickly as he could not wanting to see his brother's sadistic side.

Yep, I like the new Vongola Decimo candidate. thought a certain sadistic baby.

"Hn carnivore. I'll bite you to death for crowding." said the Demon Perfect.

"Hn. (next time kyoya. I have to get rid of some pests.)"


"Now, where were we? Hmm..."

"H-Have mercy!" one of the bullies squeaked out.

"There's no such thing in my dictionary."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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