Chapter 10

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(Harry's POV)

I smiled big walking away from Louis. I walked into Gym. I sighed and looked around the locker room. I walked over to my locker, number 17. I opened my locker and pulled out my clothes and set my phone and keys in the locker and changed.

I looked up at Zayn as he walked into the locker room. He seemed pissed. "What's wrong Perrie pissed at ya?" I asked pulling on my shirt. Zayn glared at me. "No, I saw something." he said. I looked at him, I feeling like everything stopped in my body. "W...What did you see?" I asked.

Zayn looked at me, "I think you know what I saw Harry. I don't want you to be with him. I know you are not gay." he said. I looked at him, "Zayn, I'm gay. I have been for awhile." I said and sat on the bench and pulled on my shoes. "And if you can't deal with that then I'm not on the football team anymore. Make up your mind." I snapped and walked into the gym.

I am going to defend Louis no matter what. I love him and I don't want anything or anyone hurting him. I started my laps around the gym. I looked to my left and see Zayn. "Look, Harry, I need you for the team." he said.

"But you don't like the fact that I am gay." I snapped at him not wanting to deal with his bull shit.

"Harry, I...I guess its fine, if your happy, then do what makes you happy. Can you tell Louis something for me?" Zayn asked.

I looked at him. "What did you tell him." I growled.

"I told him never to talk, see, or even touch you." Zayn said.

I lost it right there and shoved him to the floor. "You fucking said what?!" I yelled at him.

Zayn looked up at me, "I...I'm sorry Harry, I ddin't know you would get that pissed at me." Zayn said. I growled, "Don't fucking talk to him! Ever unless I am there with him!" I yelled making the teacher walk over to us. "Whats going on?" Mr. Wolfe said to us. I looked at him. "Nothing." I snapped and walked away and went back to my jogging.

I mind was clouded with anger and thoughts for protecting Louis. I walked outside and didn't see Louis anywhere. I really wanted to see him before I guess you could call it a date. I walked into my car. I quickly drove home and ran into my house.

I quickly ran to my room and smiled. I couldn't wait till Louis got here. I looked at the time and saw it was only five. I groaned and then heard my phone go off. I quickly answer.

"Hello?" I asked

"Harry! Thank god you answered. C...Can you come to my house instead?" Louis asked.

I was completely shocked that he said that. I can't believe Zayn scared him that bad.

"Hello?" Louis asked

"Yeah, I can make it!" I said and hung up. I smiled and ran over to my bathroom and checked myself in the mirror. I smiled and texted Louis

'Can't wait till 7! Can I come over early?' I texted and waited

'Yeah! Come on over!' Louis texted back.

I smiled and quickly grabbed my phone and keys and ran down the stairs pushing past maids and ran out the door to my car. I quickly drove to his house. I parked and looked up at the house.

It was small and kinda broke down. Needed some paint, few boards kinda. I didn't really care on how he lived. I got out and knocked on the door. I smiled seeing Louis open the door.

"HI!" Louis squeaked. I smiled at him and pulled him into another kiss. I smiled into the kiss and quickly pulled away hearing a little girl scream at Louis. "Fizzy stole me make up!' she screamed. I whimpered when Louis pulled away form me to deal with the subject.

It was cute he had little sisters. I stood there and looked around the house and smiled seeing Louis walk back. "Sorry, my mother is at work and I don't know where my father could be." Louis said. I shrugged, "Its fine Lou." I said smiling big.

Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me toward his room. I walked in and smiled at his small room. Simple navy blue walls. I sat on his bed. Louis smiled at me and sat next to me. I looked at him and pulled him into my lap.

I kissed his cheek. Louis giggled. I laughed and pressed my face into his neck. I was gonna let him make the moves as fast as he wanted. I wanted to make our first time special. But I wouldn't mind giving him a hand job or blow job if he wanted one.

I looked at him and smiled. Louis looked at me and smirked. I bit my lip and watched him get to his knees in front of me. I watched him as he grabbed my pants and pulled them off leaving me in my boxers. I smiled at him my breathing heavy.

He started to palm me threw my boxers. I moaned feeling myself get hard. Louis smirked and breathed on my clothed cock. I moaned and threw my head back. I watched as Louis pulled my boxers off to my ankles. I gasped feeling the cold air on my cock.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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