chapter 1

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Disclaimer. I don't own Twilight or power ranger.

Charlie House.
6:00 am

Kimberly woke up to her alarm ringing, it was her first day at Forks High she was nervous, she was also praying the ranger didn't need her at all .she got up from her bed and headed to the shower, after that she got ready for school. Kimberly was excited she gets to go to school with her big sis , as well she cant's wait to meet her sis boyfriend and his family.

Kimberly went to the mirror and look at herself and she just needs to do her hair, while she was doing it her phone buzz and she got a text from her friend Aisha, so Kimberly decides to reply back to her.

(Kimberly And Aisha)
A: Hey girl how was the flight yesterday and are you nervous for today.

k: It was ok and yes I am I starting a new school and I am happy my sis is there, but I feel like she hiding a secret from me.

A: That good, but why would you think she hiding something from you.

K. I just had a feeling sha , I also have a feeling the something bad is going to happen.

A: Well you know if something is, we have your back.

K: I know you guys do, well I have to go, text you went I get out of school.

A: Ok well have a great day.

K: Thanks sha I will try, good luck hopefully no villains will attack.
here girl, bye.

A: Same here girl , miss you, Bye .

K:Miss you too .

Kimberly sends that last text, she hopes the no villains will attack on her first day of grabs her book bag and out her phone in her back pocket of her jeans and she headed downs stair to get breakfast.

Kimberly got downstairs and. put her book bag the too the front door, then she went into the kitchen and grab a bowl of cereal while she waits for her sister Bella to finish getting ready for school. She knew that her dad left for work, but she will see him later on.

Bella (POV)
Bella woke up and got in the shower real quick and got dress in the jeans and a blue shirt. She was happy that her sister was here and The she can get to go to school with her, She put her blacks sneaker on, then she went to the mirror.

Bella makes sure she was getting everything she needs in her book bag, she makes sure she got all her class books, Then she went to the mirror to do her hair, Then heard her phone buzz when she looked at it she had a message, It was Edward who sends her so she decides to reply.

(Bella, Edward )

E: Hey beautiful how was picking up your sis from the airport went yesterday.

B: It was fine, we talk and I help her unpack when she got here.

E: That sweet of you, miss you yesterday.

B: I know you did, I miss you too, but you know you couldn't come in my room last night, what will my sister finds out:

E: I understand love you, can we see each other tonight.

B: yes we can, but make sure you come in quiet.

E: Definitely will, Alice can't wait to meet your sis.

B: Can you please tell Alice not to be acting weird around my sis, I don't want her involved.

E: I tell her that.

B: I don't know why, but I feel like my sis is hiding a secret from me.

E: Well let her tell you about it own her, if she does remember you have one as well.

B: OK I will, well I have to go, see you at school beautiful.

E: Bye can't wait to see you love you.

B: Love you too, see you soon bye.

That was the last message she sent before she put her phone in the front of her jeans pocket, she grabs her book bag and then headed downstairs to eat breakfast.
Bella is down the stairs, she put her book bag where Kim's has her and the headed to the kitchen, that when she saw kim eating grabbed a pot start and set next. to kim and begging eating it.


Well, Bella and Kimberly were done eating their breakfast, Kimberly stood up and went to the sink and watch her dish" Bella so do you want me took to cook dinner tonight, so you can have the break tonight", Bella went to stand next to Kimberly "sure, but I am helping". Then Kim and Bella went to leave "ok, "Kimberly said as she put her book bag on and headed out the door with Bella.

Kimberly got on the passenger side of bell truck, while Bella goes on the driver side. They put their seatbelt on and Bella started to drive to the school, Kimberly was looking around as Bella drove "do you think your friends and your boyfriend and his fam will like me", Bella laughs "of curse silly , your my little sis and best friend, the all-time I only do is talk about you since I knew your where coming". Kimberly smile "thanks sis". Bella kept driving "no problem sis"

Fork High school.

Kimberly was looking at the sign the said Fork High School, Bella drove around the parking lot until she found a parking space. Kimberly saw a silver Volvo and she saw the people coming out of that car. Kimberly was looking at Bella and see her smiling "those are them right", Bella got out the truck as does Kimberly "yes that them"

Edward walks to Bella "hey bea", Bella kiss Edward "hey, Edward, this is my sister Kimberly"., Edward reach for Kimberly hands "she shook them " hi, is finally nice to meet they guy the stole my big sis heart", Edward put his hand around Bella "It finally nice to meet my girlfriend baby sister". Alice, Jasper, and Tommy were walking to Bella truck.

Kimberly was seeing Edward tree siblings' walking to her sis truck, then Alice went to give Bella a hug and Kimberly "I can tell we going to get along just fine", Kimberly laughs "really". Bella smile "Kimberly, this is my friend Alice as well as Edward sister, this is her boyfriend Jasper and Edward brother and the last Tommy Edward brother "

Kimberly shook Jasper hand and said "nice to meet you", Jasper smile "is nice to meet you we heard so much about from Bella". Then Kimberly shook Tommy hands and she felt the same spark as she did when she was nine, she looks at his face and couldn't believe it " Is you, I can't believe it I thought, I will never see you again", Tommy hug Kimberly "wow it is you, I can't believe it". Bella, Edward, Jasper, and Alice was wondering how the heck they knew each other. Bella was already afraid from Kimberly life.

well here chapter 1 what you guys think hope you like it , how will Kimberly explain the she knew tommy and tommy as well. Well leave a review and if you have and idea just pm or leave it in the review. like always catch you on the flip side as well as the lion fell in love with the lamb

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