Strange Love (Student/Teacher Relationship)

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This is my first chapter of my first book! YAY!! happy balloons flying everywhere! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT AND FAN!!!! <3333 Thanks babes!!

Brynn's POV 

Bananas. Ice Cream. Sugar Pops. Sprite. Oranges. I was thinking of anything I could to keep my brain active during the walk to school. Today was officially the first day of being a senior, and I was already bored. Its not like high school is fun anyway, so you can’t judge me. Wow look at me, talking to myself while walking to school. Maybe I would have to see a doctor and then on my way there I would run into a dinosaur named Larry that would be my best friend until he ate me. I was deep in thought of how I would be devoured by Larry when a car honked loudly behind me.

“Oh fuc-donkeys!” I whipped my head around to see the laughter of my bestest of best friends; Amanda. Her long dirty-blonde hair whipped slightly in the wind, her petite body was perfect, and her smile lit up the world. I admit I am pretty jealous of her. After my little creepy examination of her I saw what she was wearing, black tights with jean mini-mini shorts and a white top that hung to her curves but showed off her shoulders.

“What?” I heard her ask, I guess I didn’t realize I was staring.

“Oh sorry, but you look hot!” she gave me a strange WTF look then we both cracked up with laughter. After minutes had passed and I’m deadly sure we now both had six packs we got into her car and drove towards the school.

“When’s lunch?” I asked Hunter my best guy friend again for the 100 billionth times.

“Same time it was 2 minutes ago, an hour away.” I groaned and crossed my arms across my chest, the day sucked so far and I was starving. My science teacher was off in her own world talking about hurricanes or something completely random. I was about to doze off when the fire alarms went off causing me to fall out of my seat. Damn these precautionary fire drills. I looked up to see everyone was staring at me as if I had taken off all my clothes and ran around screaming imam banana. I glared at as many people as I could and got back into my seat as the teacher told everyone to stand. “Damn nuggets” I whispered to myself as I stood up.

I looked at my schedule finally! One more class until lunch! I did a fist pump in the arm getting a few WTF looks but I ignored them and walked off to English. When I sat down next to Amanda (we finally had a class together boo-yah!)

She whispered to me, “I heard the new teacher is hot”

I looked at her with a curious look, “have you seen him yet?”

“No, but Emily has, and she said he was” I nodded and looked around at the girls. They were all fixing their makeup and lipstick and pushing their boobs to make them look bigger. I rolled my eyes feeling disgusted; he’s a teacher stupid I wanted to shout. But then the door opened and the handsomest guy walked in and my heart stopped in my chest. He was gorgeous. A model even. He looked around and caught me staring with my mouth wide open; he smirked causing me to blush, the red liquid filling my cheeks in record time so I looked down.

I heard him clear his throat and say, “Hello everyone, my name is Mr. Wyatt, I am your new English teacher. And because I don’t know any of you, lets play a get to know you game.” He explained the instructions of how to play and it seemed simple, he would ask us a few questions and we would ask him a question. Because my last name started with a W I was near the end. All the questions were typical; what’s your favorite class? Do you play sports? All that crap and then it was actually quite funny what the girls would ask him. Do you have a girlfriend? Wife? Do you want one? I laughed at this one. It got boring so I started to daydream when I heard my name, “Brynn Winters?” he looked up and I swear I could melt in his eyes. They were gorgeous.

I cleared my throat, “yes?”

“umm, what is your favorite flower?” I was confused for a second, flower? My favorite flower? Why the hell would he ask that? Why not the normal what’s your favorite book or class? I thought about it, then I picked it, the best flower out there.

“My favorite flower is Calla Lilies.”

“He grinned politely, “yes they are very beautiful, now ask one question.”

I thought about it, what had someone not asked him, I smirked I knew the perfect question that may or may not get me expelled, “have you ever had sex?” all of the guys were laughing on the floor and all the girls actually looked interested. I rolled my eyes at them, but then looked up at Mr. Wyatt, he seemed to be in shock, so I cleared my throat, “I’m waiting Mr. Wyatt.” I said as innocently as possible.

He looked at me and smirked, “I’ll tell you when you’re in detention with me for two weeks starting tomorrow.” 


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