Chapter Three

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I took a deep breathe trying to relax myself, I mean after all, how many times do you get to go to the beach? I shut my eyes, leaned my head back and arched my body, feeling the heat of the sun warm me up when I felt two male hands wrap around my waist and hoist me onto his lap.


I yelped and opened my eyes to see the most beautiful face I have ever seen. Mr. Wyatt, I mean James. We stared gracefully into each other’s eyes, and slowly leaned in to kiss when..




“UGH fudging alarm clock! Shut up!” I slammed my fist repeatedly on the world’s worst creation until I finally hit the snooze button. Finally, I thought. I welcomed the blissful sleep that was creeping up on me, when the moment was ruined by my mother knocking on the door telling me to get up.


“Nope! Can’t do that mom, I Uhhh I.. I’m sick..?” Damn me and making it sound like a question.


“Nice try, but it’s the second day of school. You’re going.”


 I could hear her running down the staircase which meant her mind was made up. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, and somehow was able to kick my feet over the bed to get ready. I put on a cream colored dress with a belt and bird designs on it. After I had put on my makeup and had bacon and egg burritos for breakfast, I waited outside for Amanda to come pick me up.             


I waited in the living room, looking out of the window for Amanda. A few minutes later I saw her car pull up into my drive way. I know she can see me out of the window, but she always honks. I made my way outside and into the front seat of her car.                       


“Sorry for not being able to take you home yesterday, we had an emergency cheer practice.”


“It’s okay, seriously, I was fine.”


“Did you walk home or catch a ride?” she asked


“I started to walk home when it began to rain so I caught a ride with someone.” I said shrugging as if it weren’t a big deal, even though to me, it was a huge deal!


She gazed curiously at me before speaking, “Who?”


I opened my mouth to speak when ‘Hot N Cold’ by Katy Perry; my ringtone, blared throughout the car. I looked down at the caller ID, which was blocked. I shrugged and declined the call, as we pulled up into the parking lot.  I don’t answer numbers I do not know, because everyone that I want to have already has my number.


During every morning class I had, I couldn’t stop thinking of my dream. I mean, isn’t ‘A dream is a wish your heart makes!’ some cheesy line from a Disney Movie? Is that what I wanted? To kiss him? Yes! No! Yes! No! Wow back to talking to myself, I am truly going crazy. And worst or maybe best part is I have his class in four minutes, and then lunch. YAY! First priority is his class and I need to survive that first.


How old did he say he was? 25? 20? Nope. 21? Maybe, sounds reasonable. Only four years apart, that’s not too bad.


 What am I saying?! HE GAVE YOU DETENION! FOR TWO WEEKS! YOU MUST HATE HIM! HATE HIM! HATE HIM! HATE HIM! Hmm, now I’m chanting to myself…I should probably keep a diary.


I was disturbed out of my thoughts with the bell ringing. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Time to face him, deep breath in, deep breath out, in, out, in, light headiness, out. Time flew by and now I was standing in front of the door to the classroom. With one last deep breath, I opened the door to what could be my worst nightmare.                        


“Miss Winters, glad you could finally join us. Please have a seat.” I looked up startled; the class had been going on for ten minutes already, how did I miss that? I walked over to Amanda and sat down.


“Where the hell have you been!?” she whispered harshly to me.

“Uhhh outside..?” again with the questioning my own sentences; I should fix that.


“Miss Winters lunch detention for talking during a lesson.”


“WHAT!?” I screamed, now I was pissed.


“You already have afterschool detention, so I had to give you lunch detention, so please be quiet. Actually, come help me pass out these books.”


“No.” I said stubbornly crossing my arms across my chest, I didn’t care if I looked and sounded like a three year old.


“I didn’t ask if you wanted to, now come help.”


The class all ohh’d and ahh’d like kindergarteners I rolled my eyes and glared at him until I swear steam was coming out of my ears and my eyes fierce red.


“No.” I replied again.


“Mr. Wyatt, I’ll do it!” one of the girls who wanted to ‘get to know him better’ said.


“No, Miss Winters will do it, but thank you for offering. Now Miss Winters come help me, or spend two weeks of lunch detention plus the two weeks of afterschool detention.” I bit my lip, I really didn’t want to spend even more time with this human demon, so I sighed and walked over to his desk.


“What books?” I sounded like I could care less, which was true. He pointed to the stack behind his desk, which was the size of my head for each book.


“Seriously!?” I muttered.


I picked up three and started to pass them out, when I had finally reached the last two rows in the back, the slut of the school and one of her minions decided to put their feet out into the isle right in front of me. Before I knew it, they tripped me causing me to throw the books in the air, and fall head first to the floor. But not before I could slam my head into the side of the head of the sluts’ desk.


 I groaned on the floor, with my head in serious pain and my vision blurry as hell. Someone flipped me onto my back, so I could see the ceiling. I tried to sit up but failed miserably; small black dots filled my vision, so I let the darkness take me over, but not before I could hear someone’s voice, ‘telling me to stay with them.’ 



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2012 ⏰

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