Chapter 24

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     His heart soared and his mind raced as they hiked side-by-side through the dense forest of evergreens. When she told him she no longer planned to keep him at a distance, he held back his desire to take her in his arms and never let go. Though she did not want to push him away, it didn't automatically mean she was ready to love him like she used to. Besides, there were too many things he needed to say...too many apologies to be made.

For now, he would simply enjoy her company, and try to mend things between them when the time was right. The distant sound of honking drew their attention overhead where a flock of geese flew southward in a V-formation. Glancing in her direction, he smiled at the joy lighting her features. She always enjoyed the simple pleasures life offered. Her cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink when she found him watching her.

As they continued forward, the evergreen trees gave way to thin poplars and sweeping maples. Colors changed from dark greens to lovely golds, oranges, and reds. "It's so beautiful here," Annie breathed. While he agreed, he could not help but be fairly certain her beauty far surpassed that of the surrounding scenery.

The noise of rushing waters compelled them to adjust their course to the north. After walking a while longer, they were greeted by the source of the sound. A waterfall sat among the changing trees. The white, frothing current tumbled over jagged rocks into a tranquil pool. Small pebbles and fallen leaves could be seen through the clear water, and if it were warmer, Trevor would have suggested going for a swim. As chilly as the air was, he noticed Annie pull her coat collar tighter around her neck as she stood in awe of the beautiful scenery. He could not tear his gaze from her.

"Can we sit down here for a minute?" Annie turned to him and smiled. "It's so pretty, I don't want to leave."

"We don't have to leave right away," he sat down beside her on a moss-covered log near the water's edge.

For a moment they sat without saying a word. The falling water was the only sound filling the air. Finally, Annie broke the silence. "Can I ask you something, Trevor?" He turned to see her eyes fixed on him with a look of quiet trepidation.

"You can ask me anything."

"Why did you end your engagement with Rebecca?"

He smiled, thankful she was willing to give him an opportunity to tell her of the decided change in his life.

"There were lots of reasons why, but only two that really mattered," he adjusted on the log so he could face her as he began to relate the details of the past year. "You know me well enough to know that I have a problem with pride," he glanced up at her and she reluctantly nodded. "Well, even though I trusted Christ as my Saviour back in high school, I still struggled with trying to live in my own strength. A few years ago, when I got the job with the fire department, I suddenly felt like a hero. It was a job that really fed my ego, and with all the praise I received, I began thinking it was all my doing. I chose to ignore the fact that everything I have...everything I am is a gift from God. I quit reading my Bible, and I hardly ever prayed. I even stopped going to church for a while, because it seemed like every time I went, the pastor preached right at me. It was all about how I was nothing without God. I was convicted, but I chose to ignore the Holy Spirit as he worked to get my attention.

"At one point, Tracy came to my place and told me she didn't feel like she knew me anymore. She told me I was on the wrong road, and she prayed it wouldn't take a huge blow to get my attention. I blew her off at first, but honestly, I knew she was right.

"During all this, I met Becky. She didn't have any convictions, and honestly, she made me feel like I was fine just the way I was. It was comfortable. With you...I wasn't comfortable, because you encouraged me to put God first. As much as I cared about you, it was hard for me reminded me of how wrong I was without even trying. I knew you deserved someone much better than me.

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