"THE GREEN MILE!" I called out, as Colton stood up cheering."Yes"! We jumped uphigh fiving each other as we destroyed my grandfather and becca in charades. We always won, especially if the catagorey was movies.
"Oh you guys are just too good"! Becca responded laughing clapping her hands together. It's like you have telepathy with each other", she chuckled as we took a seat on the couch next to one another. She was right in a way. It was just like old times. Colton had arrived dressed way to nice for his own good. He had came ready with all his wittiness and charm. I could say the night had been quite amazing. Dinner was delicious and so far the games were all in colton and I's favor.
"When they were just little rascals they would never miss a beat on game nights. Me and Emma could have sworn they had a secret code or something", he laughed mentioning my mother. I loved those nights, filled with fun games, movies, Colton over here all the time, and my mother still alive. My grandpa seemed so happy at the moment. I thought we would give Colton more of a hard time than he was, and I was sure it was because of his eyes for Becca. They haven't left her all night. And I wasn't gonna lie, she was just as sweet as he said. She was gonna be good for him.
"That is so lovely! You must have been the cutest kids", she smiled at us.
"Oh, she was an angel. I have tons of photos to prove it" He smiled. Getting up and heading towards the photo albums.
"Oh grandpa! This is my time to exit", I spoke, laughing standing up. I was such a heathen as a child. I never wore matching anything until I was even in middle school. And even then my style choice was questionable.
"Awwww come on, you don't want to see how adorable we were"? I simply narrowed my eyes at him. He knew I hated looking at our old pictures as he was a photogenic kid, surprisingly while I could never smile for the camera, and usually had food on my face, and my hair scattered in every direction.
"I'm gonna go check on Gracey", I announced, stepping away leaving them with the photo albums. I scooped up the cute kitty and decided to step out on the back patio for some air. I noticed that the stereo was sitting on the table in front of the porch swing. Grandpa must have been out here earlier. He would sit out here for hours listening to billy Joel. I turned it on and listened to the soft sultry voice play outloud. I sat on the swing with GRacey cuddled to my chest. It was so peaceful out here under the stars, and the lightly lit lamps that illuminate the patio garden granpa and I were working on.
A few moments later I heard the door open, and I looked over to see Becca step out. "Hi Annie! I don't mean to bother you. The boys got started on sports and I had to make my escape", She sweetly joked, making me smile. She was such a kind woman, and it was clear to see her genuine personality.
"Oh gosh, my Grandpa could literally talk forever about whose the best team in the league, so be warned", I responded as she came and sat next to me.
"That is such a cute kitten! So small and furry", she reached out lightly petting the fur.
"You can hold her. She's really friendly", I responded holding her out, and watched Becca gently place Gracey on her lap petting her.
"So it seems like you and Colton are really close", she suddenly mentioned.
I shrugged my shoulders. I really didn't feel like going in depth of our complicated relationship. It would take much too long... "Yeah", is all I settled for.
"The way he looks at you... It brings me back to when I was young and in love..." she began before I shook my head.
"Oh no... It's not like that. We're just..", I didn't know how to finish that sentence. I mean i guess we were friends. But it was more than that. I didn't know.
Walking a thin line
RomancexAnnie Lewison and Colton Richardson were not only best friends growing up from Kindergarten to Junior High, but also pretty much the same person. That was until High school hit them. Annie found God, while Colton found a bottle of liquor and whatev...