Good girl"! I chirped to the little puppy, as I tightened the bandage on her paw. She was found trapped under a can in an alley, and if she was found a few hours later, she would have lost her paw due to an infection. We put up posters, hoping someone would find her, but no one came through. For some reason I felt attached to her. Grandpa came in the room, kneeling down to the little pup.
"Still no owner. And her infection is almost healed. We can't keep her here long", He spoke petting her on her head, causing her to lean into his touch. She was so sweet and sensitive.
"I was thinking of calling her Princess. Mom used to always call me her "Little Princess". I thought it was fitting. Kind, gentle, sweet. She deserves a name", I told him as the puppy rested her head on my leg.
Grandpa sighed standing. "Annie, I mean I love animals. It's why I do what I do, but we see them everyday. And Princess is sick. Just because her paw is healing doesn't mean she's any better. She's sick", he added, pulling out some x-rays and putting them up on the wall.
"She has a tumor. It's big, and it's inoperable. She has a few months", he told me making me clutch the puppy.
I sighed holding back tears. "She's so little, and... are you sure there is nothing we can do"? I asked.
"No. I'm sorry darling. But you know god has a plan for her", he remarked pulling the x-rays back down.
I nodded my head in agreement. "I know. But I still think we should take her home. Give her a warm home to stay in. She deserves it", I told him with a sigh.
He nodded his head. "You're right. I couldn't picture anyone better to give her the love she needs. But I have to do some more scans, and get her cleaned up. I'll bring her home tonight", he remarked, reaching for the puppy.
I gave her a little kiss on the top of her head, and handed him off. "I have to go to Colton's tonight. I'm helping him catch up on his schoolwork", I finally told him hoping up.
He turned back to me, letting out a huff. "Just schoolwork"? He questioned.
"Yes. That's all. I won't be out late, I promise--
I looked up at the huge mansion in front of me. It was the biggest mansion in all of Greenpoint. I remember coming here everyday, excited to see Colton, and run around the mansion, bothering the maids, and having the best time possible. As I got close to the door, I rang the doorbell, hearing it ring through the halls. It was weird ringing the doorbell, last time I was here, I was bringing a drunk Colton home, after he stumbled to my house once again and passed out.
The door opened revealing an older man standing in front of me. "Annie?" He questioned narrowing his eyes at me.
I sighed recognising the man in front of me. "Mr. Richardson. How are you"? I asked with a curt smile.
"Come in", he responded moving aside allowing me to step into the gigantic house, that didn't look as if it changed one bit. "What brings you here? It's been a long time", Mr. Richardson spoke, with hands on his hips, looking as professional as ever. He always wore a suit. Even when we were younger, I hardly would see him without one on.
"I'm helping Colton catch up on some schoolwork", I told him. "Do you know where he's at?" I asked, stepping further into the house.
"Uhhhhh.... Yes. He's in his room. I'm glad to see him taking some initiative to better his education. And i'm glad you're the one he asked. How have you been Annie?" He asked, with concern in his eyes. Colton always spoke about his dad like he was a villian, and while we was always working, I could see a kind heart behind his cold business demeanor.

Walking a thin line
RomancexAnnie Lewison and Colton Richardson were not only best friends growing up from Kindergarten to Junior High, but also pretty much the same person. That was until High school hit them. Annie found God, while Colton found a bottle of liquor and whatev...