Chapter 25

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   I felt kind of weird knowing that my father had claimed he was begging them for help. Blackvein paused and looked around. The gaurds around the room came closer and convened in a circle around him. They muttered and several of them growled once or twice, showing their frustration and anger at the decision. Suddenly, Blackvein stood from the center and pushed through them, walking over towards us.

   My heart skipped a beat and my wings pulled in tight to my body in fear. I felt th  hairs on my neck stand up as the very ground shuddered under the Drago's footsteps. He stopped about three feet from me, but I felt like I was still straining my neck to see his head. He looked down at me with pitying eyes. "I saw when Caldwell's soldiers snatched you. What became of the Faery hybrid you seemed so fond of?"

   The fear in my heart was forgotten as I remembered that the love of my life was probably being raped and hurt by the man I hated the most. "Caldwell still has her. She told me to leave her behind so I could get help."

   Blackvein nodded and turned to his guards. "We wouldn't leave one of our women in that man's clutches. If we asked the Zytreys for help, they wouldn't hesitate. Now spread the word, gather your weapons, and prepare yourselves. We meet with the Zytreys tomorrow and attack with them at dawn."

   The guards all nodded and left loyally, clearing the room in a few moments. Blackvein glanced at me and then at Thyte. "You wouldn't mind if I borrowed your son for a few moments?"

   Thyte shook his head  and wiped sweat from his brow. "No problem. Now could I maybe go find some place where it's not this hot?"

   Blackvein laughed and gestured at Leer and Vinn. "They'll get you comfortable while I talk to your son." His huge hand rested on my shoulder as he led me out of the tent and then into another tent near the center of camp. It didn't have the same boiling wall of heat, but it was still warm and a little languid. Blackvein gestured to a chair to the side and plopped down into it, enjoying how soft and overstuffed it was.

   The huge Drago came over again and handed me a tankard. I glanced down into it and saw that he was giving me some sort of wine. I took a sip and smiled, enjoying the taste. He sat down in a much larger chair beside mine, staring intently at me while I drank. I gulped awkwardly and shuffled my feet. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

   "I need to ask a question. While you were in Caldwell's camp, you didn't happen to see two female Dragos? The older one would've had red scales and the other was still a baby and had light pink ones."

   I thought for a moment, but couldn't remember seeing any Dragos of any color in that camp. "I'm sorry, but no. Why? Were they close to you?"

   Blackvein snarled and blew a smoke ring out his nose. "Yes. The red Drago is my wife and the pink one is my daughter. Caldwell stole them three days ago and so I've been pushing for the attack. If you and your father hadn't have come in and begged for help, I probably would've been outscored in the decision, but they agreed with me at last." I nodded and yawned, leaning back into the chair. Before I knew it, I had practically passed out in the chair, lulled to sleep by the comfort of the chair and the heat of the room.

   I woke up later on and when I opened my eyes, the room was darker, touched by only the slightest tinge of morning light. I shook my head and started to stand, but someone shoved me back down with a hand on my shoulder. I gasped, but before I could protest, that same someone wrapped their hand around my mouth. I grabbed it, feeling rough skin and thick coarse hairs as I tried to wrench it off. Despite my struggles, my attacker was stronger than me and they wrapped a gag around my mouth. In my panic, I lashed out and caught them in the face, feeling tusks and more tough skin. A Beerth. What was a Beerth doing here?

   I heard the Beerth growl before chains were being thrown over my wings, holding them still in the chair. I felt multiple sets of hands on me and as I tried to fight them, I felt furry paws and I also heard a couple hisses. So it was a mottled bunch of Olkets and a Beerth who were kidnapping me right before the victory battle. Why did this have Caldwell's name written all over it?

   Right as the creatures got my arms tied with my wings, a mighty roar echoed from behind us. A Beerth suddenly flew over my head, landing with a thud right as several Olkets followed him. Four of the five cat creatures were dead and the others ear had been bitten off. The Beerth was obviously the best off, but his tusks were both broken. Blackvein suddenly stepped past me and roared at them. The Olket ran out and the Beerth sobbed on the floor, curling up and covering his head. "Please! Mercy! We were only doing what Caldwell said!"

   I watched as Blackvein snarled and breathed a plume of vibrant red flame into the air over the warthog. It squealed and ducke  back. "No, please! I'll do anything! I'll tell you everything I know! Just don't kill me!"

   The Drago leader huffed and grabbed the Beerth by his ear, yanking him into the air. "Alright. Tell me this. Does Caldwell have a red female Drago and a pink baby Drago in his possession?"

   The Beerth nodded and grabbed Blackvein's hand. "Yes. They're kept in a separate cage away from the other slaves. They haven't been touched by anyone. Now let go!"

   Blackvein nodded and drove his claws into the Beerth's throat, ending his life quick. "That's all I need to know."

   He turned to me and I made sure not to look into his eyes. My embarrassment was too great for words. He unchained me and I stood, stretching my wings and looking away. "Thank you."

   He patted my back and turned  me forcefully, looking me in the eye. "There's no reason to be embarrassed, Zeek. They caught you asleep, I understand."

   I snarled. "No. I was awake, but I was too lazy to react quick enough."

   Blackvein paused and then shook his head, blowing smoke down into my face. "You listen to me, boy. You've got more heart in that little chest of your than most of my soldiers have in one claw. You've also got something to help drive you on. I know how you feel. You feel like you need to be indestructible so you can get your girl back. I know. I feel like I need to take down the world to get my wife and baby back, but I'm not gonna beat myself up for making a single mistake."

   I frowned and turned away, my wings accidentally hitting him as I did so. "Well you didn't have to leave your wife and daughter behind. I had to leave Sprite in Caldwell's bed, chained down so she couldn't escape him. How would you feel if you left your wife in Caldwell's clutches like that."

   Blackvein eased up behind me and rested a hand over my shoulder. "It's alright, Zeek. Caldwell doesn't kill women."

   I'd had enough of his useless pep talk. I shoved his hand off and stormed to the door. "You're not helping. Nobody's helping. Everyone thinks I'm worried about Caldwell killing her or raping her, but it's the point that I had to leave her there because I wouldn't have been able to break her out in time. Now just leave me alone."

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