Chapter 27

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   A rousing cheer went through the Zytrey soldiers who stood in the village, accompanied by cheers from women and children who stood on balconies, throwing kisses to their husbands, fathers, and sons. The Dragos stood in the trees as well, letting the Zytreys thank them for fighting with them. Dad and I avoided the main hustle and bustle to land on our porch, slipping through the ivy curtain door. Fay stood by the stove, sadly fixing something in a pot. She turned and gasped, rushing into our open arms. "Oh, my boys! Did the plan work?"

   Thyte nodded and kissed her quickly. "Yeah. We're about to leave now to go fight."

   Fay's smile dropped from her face and she sniffed, hot tears falling from her eyes. "Oh no! Thyte!"

   She fell against him, sobbing into his chest. I stood to the side, waiting for her to get done and let us leave. Dad rubbed her back and kissed her forehead. "It's alright sweetheart. I'll be back. I promise. So will Zeek. He's not gonna do all this and suddenly die. I think he wants to start a life with that little Faery girl."

   I blushed scarlet as him and mother smiled at me. Mother rushed over and hugged me, giving me a kiss on my cheek before backing away and wiping her eyes. "Please be careful. I don't want you getting hurt."

   I smiled and rolled my eyes. "It's alright mom. I don't think dads gonna let me get hurt. He only wants you to be happy."

   As mother smiled fondly at me, Thyte gave me a knowing smile. He sighed and nodded heading for the door. "Alright. We'll be off then."

   Fay clasped her hands in front of her chest and then grabbed one of each of our wings. "Wait! I was gonna wait to tell you, but I just can't stand it any longer. Thyte, I'm pregnant again."

   Both me and dad whirled around, meeting her eyes. She blushed and looked away as dad approached her. Fascination flooded through me as I looked at her, knowing that my baby brother or sister was being formed inside of her. Thyte rubbed his hand over her belly before laughing and kissing her temple. "Wow. I've always wanted to hear you say that. What do you think, Zeek? You're gonna be a big brother."

   I laughed and shook my head, going over and hugging mom. "I'm excited beyond words really. I'm gonna be a big sibling. That's big." Fay smiled and then gasped, staring at the door. We turned and saw Blackvein bending down to look into our door. "We're about to leave, guys. Oh, this must be your wife, Thyte."

   Dad nodded and looked at mother. "Yes. Fay, this is Blackvein, the Dragos' leader. Blackvein, this is Fay."

   The monstrous Drago nodded and smiled. "Nice you meet you ma'am. I see that Thyte is a very lucky man."

   I chuckled and walked over. "A lucky man who needs to get a move on."

   Thyte snarled at us before giving a quick kiss to his wife. "Stay comfortable and keep yourself rested. We'll be back soon."

   She nodded and backed away, going back over to the stove. Me and dad dove off the porch, following the Drago leader towards the hole in the trees, flying out with hundreds of Zytreys and Dragos following us. Turns out that the other Zytrey villages had shown up while we were gone and so behind me were more Zytreys than I'd ever seen. For almost three hundred flying creatures, with wings about fifteen feet across at the minimum, everyone was surprisingly quiet.

   I kept my eyes on the ground for another hour, watching for signs that we were close. Suddenly, Blackvein glanced down and his eyes widened. "Scatter!"

   He dove out of the way as a gigantic flaming boulder flew past us. I screamed and veered out of the way, accidentally bumping into dad as I did so. I looked back and all I saw were flurries of feathered wings smacking into Dragon wings and long scaly tails. I looked down and saw that several thickets of trees had been heaved down and fashioned into catapults. Before I could predict it, three more flying boulders were sent hurtling towards us.

   I gasped and flew upwards, getting so high that I could see the royal Killhar palace from here. I saw that all the other Zytreys were following my example and flying up out of projectile range. The Roseland creatures far below shot another flaming boulder, but it fell far short of us. I snarled and my excellent sight picked out the camp a short distance behind the catapults. "Guys, follow me!"

   I tilted my wings, fixating my eyes on the big tent that I knew held my true love inside of it. I stopped flapping and angled myself towards it, letting gravity take over. I dove towards it, not caring if anyone was behind me or not. The tent approached hard and fast, but I was prepared this time. I was flying for a purpose and nothing would stop me. Creatures in the camp saw me and started yelling instructions and orders, but no one could've stopped me even if I had been low enough for them to try. The door to the tent was merely ten feet in front of me before I threw my wings up straight and stopped abruptly, my momentum carrying me through the door.

   As I entered, the scene hadn't changed from my first visit. The wall hangings chests were all there, and Sprite was still chained to the bed. She looked up and gasped, her face brightening. Instead of diving into her arms like I wanted to, I scanned the room for Caldwell. "Where is he?"

   Sprite shook her head. "I don't know, but he's not here."

   I nodded and rushed over, wrapping my arms around here. "Ok, I'm not leaving you again. I'm getting you out of here."

   I moved down to the chain on her leg, pulling a small feather from my wing an  using the tip to pick the lock. It clicked open and I smiled, picking her up. "Ok, where are your clothes?"

   She stepped down and grabbed something from under the bed. She pulled out her short shirt and her skirt, putting them on before coming back over. "Ok, I'm ready."

   I nodded and picked her up, shoving the tent flap open before flying into the air. The other Zytreys and Dragos were fighting the Roseland creatures and several were flying around in the air, holding medical supplies if needed. Sprite gasped and grabbed my shirt, pointing towards a smaller tent towards the center of the camp. "I saw a couple guards take Ginger in there. We need to save her."

   I nodded and as I banked toward it, fluttering down til I could light outside. Sprite leapt out of my arms and rushed inside without a single thought or care. I rushed in after her and I paused. Instead of a cage holding the tiny Focks hybrid, she was sitting on a little mat in the center, surrounded by candy and drawings. She looked up and smiled, flowers in her long red hair. "Yay! You're here! Zeek! You have wings now?"

   Sprite grabbed her and hauled her towards the door. "Come on. We have to go."

   Ginger frowned and shook her head, going back over to her mat. "No. Daddy says I have to stay here until he can have us released. Whatever that meant."

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