❤The kiss❤

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"Hey babe!" I exclaimed as I ran towards my boyfriend.
"Hey princess damn you look hot!" He exclaimed as he hugged me by my waist.
"Thanks babe and hey kookie!" I exclaimed as I broke the hug and went to hit kookie.
"So who wants to go ride bumper cars!" Jungkook exclaimed happily.
"Ooooo yay!" I exclaimed as I rushed towards the bumper cars. There were only two cars left so I had to choose to share with my baby or with the kookie.
"I wanna ride with kookie!" I exclaimed as I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to one of the cars. Me and jungkook were laughing and joking when out of no where y/c/n crash into the front of our bumper car.
"Ha got the princess and the kookie!" He exclaimed laughing.
"We're gonna get you!" Me and kookie shouted as we slammed the car into his. After we got off of the ride me and jungkook were laughing and joking when y/c/n phone went off.
"Hey guys I will be back y'all can go ahead I gotta take this!" He shouted as he walked away. Me and kookie were laughing and joking when we saw Lana and y/c/n making out behind the bumper cars. I felt my heart shatter as I saw what was happening.
"Hey kookie I'm  gonna go home by" I said trying to hold back the tears as I ran off and grabbed my bike.
When I got home my phone started to ring and I answered it with out looking at the caller ID.
"Hello?" I said still crying.
"Princess where are you and why are you crying?" My boyfriend asked.
"I'm at home and you know why I'm crying I saw you and Lana!" I shouted through the tears.
"Shit! Princess I can-" I cut him off before he could Finnish speaking.
"No need to explain because we are done!" I yelled as I hung up. I  grabbed my hoodie and walked over to bangtan's house to see if I could stay there for the night because o didn't want to be alone. When I got there I knocked on he door and waited.
"Hey y/n whats up?" Jimin asked.
"I just broke up with my boyfriend and I was wondering if I could stay with y'all tonight because I don't want to be alone and my mom is in Britain for the rest of the summer." I explained.
"Sure come on in." He said as he hugged me and closed the front door.
"Everyone living room now!" He shouted as every one came running and sat on the couch quickly.
"What's wrong?" They all asked at the same time.
"Y/n is going to stay with us tonight she is having a rough night." He explained.
"Why happened!?" Namjoon asked as everyone looked at me.
"Me and my boyfriend broke up." I said trying not to cry again.
"Why!?" Jin asked.
"He cheated on me with my friend Lana." I explained as kookie's eyes grew angry.
"That son of a bitch I'm gonna fucking kill him!" Jungkook shouted angrily as he shot up off the couch and rushed to his room. He returned a moment later with a pistol.
"Kookie what are you doing?!" I sobbed.
"I'm going to kill that mother fucker!"" He shouted angrily.
"Jeon jungkook put that gun away and sit your ass down!" Namjoon shouted.
"Why the fuck should i ?" He asked and at about that time v and CJ came in the house laughing but stopped immediately when the reached the living room.
"What's wrong?!" They asked in shock.
"I'm going to kill y/c/n for cheating on her!" Jungkook shouted angrily.
"OK everyone calm down kookie hand me the gun." I said sweetly trying to hide my sadness as I took the gun from him and handed it to Namjoon to put away.
"OK now no one is killing anyone now can we all just calm down and kookie can I talk to you?" I asked as I grabbed his hand and pulled him away to his room.
"What do you need to talk about?" He asked as he shut the door.
"Please calm down." I said as I Hugged him and kissed at his neck.
"OK I will calm down just for you." He said as he grabbed me by the waist.

A/N- hello to all of you lovely readers please go and check out my dear friend jaicee you can find her at k-poplovely! I really hope you like this chapter and please comment what you think will happen in the next chapter! Also vote and follow! Loves❤❤❤❤❤

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