chapter two; ✬ ˎ ˊ ˗

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❝ when you wish upon a star 

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❝ when you wish upon a star . . .

your dreams come true . . .  !

"3 to the right, 4 to the left." Click. Eleanor finally succeeded in unlocking her locker. She took out her science books and started striding towards class until . . .

"Shit." A tall boy had crashed into her on the way and dropped his books.

"I-I'm-I'm so sorry." He stammered while grabbing his books. She bent down and helped him get them. Eleanor handed him the rest of his books and she couldn't help but stare at the boy when he looked up. He had messy black hair and freckles scattered all over.

"It's okay." He smiled and Eleanor flushed. The bell chimed and they both watched at the big red buzzer on the wall.

"I-I gotta go," she said, pointing towards the red object, making her way to the class two doors down.

"Wait, what's your name?" Mike called out as the broad walked away.

"El. Yours?" Eleanor looked over her shoulders, which had her book bag on her left. She always favored people to call her El more than anything.

"Mike, and beautiful name." El glowed at the compliment this boy named Mike gave her and continued walking to class. She made it right on time. Eleanor felt all eyes of her fellow sophomores burning on her, but it was something she would do if her friends walked in late. Julia, one of her friends, constantly strolled into class late whether it was her preferred subject or not. Eleanor slid into her desk, which was right next to this curly-haired boy with dysplasia, and put her face into her hands. 

"Hey, El," the boy hissed. Eleanor didn't look but she knew he was talking to her. After all, she was the only Eleanor in her class. A simple hum came out of her mouth, a sign she was paying attention. She was so distracted by the fact that this boy, Mike( she remembered his name and kept note of it . ), had complimented her . . . and he was cute

"El!" the boy repeated again.

"Yes, Dustin?"

"I heard we might be a getting a new kid in our class! And he's one of my best buddies!" Eleanor could hear the smile in his face already.

"Oh, joy." She muttered. "Can't wait until Mr. Clarke gives you a brand - new partner. At least you won't have to deal with me."

"Oh, no no. I don't want that. I want him to work with you." At this sentence, Eleanor let out a burst of giggling. If Dustin probably couldn't stand working with her, then how could this new kid work with Eleanor? The thought baffled her mind.

"He doesn't even know me, Dustin. I'm sure Mr. Clarke would kill you if you just gave up on our bridge like that."

The rest of the class chattering, including Dustin and herself, soon quieted down when Mr. Clarke stepped into the room. Eleanor lifted her head casually and put her chin on the palm of her hand.

"Good morning," Mr. Clarke chimed with his normal smile on his face. 

"Good morning, Mr. Clarke," the class said in unison. Everyone sounded either bored, tired, or just sounded like they wanted to get out of the class and Eleanor was a mix of all three.

"Today, on a new day in Hawkins, we have a new student. Mike Wheeler, show yourself to your new classmates!" Eleanor blinked rapidly at the boy walking into the class. It was the same messy, black haired, freckled boy. That's the new boy? Eleanor's cheeks tinted a light rosy pink as she followed his every move. Eleanor, by reaction, crossed her legs swiftly as he walked by. Shit, shit. Mike sits behind her . . .  so that's why the seat behind her was empty.

✬ ˎ ˊ ˗

[ oo. ] you have reached the end of chapter two of CHEVROLET DATES !

hello everyone ! thank you for reading CHEVROLET DATES !

it's a bit of a longer chapter and i'm actually quite proud of it ...

it's actually more than 500 words this time !

i hope you enjoy this chapter as much as i do 

a huge thank you to @milevenfanperson for helping me start out this chapter. thank you again, love !



josephine ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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