Don't you dare [M]

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Warning(s): Masturbation, Marking, Rimming, Degradation, Baekhyun making Jongin cry like a lot (but not in a bad way, I swear), SUPER MILD (almost non-existent) Daddy kink.


“Fuck, man-- I don't really even wanna go to this thing, honestly,”



Jongin gives a smile as he watches Baekhyun fuss over his hair in their bathroom mirror. Despite having his own perfectly livable dorm room to get ready in, the elder had insisted that he haul his things all the way over to Jongin and Sehun’s instead (because ‘I'm here 98% of the time anyways, so why not?’).

From what Jongin could remember, Baekhyun had been invited to his older brother’s art show-- which was an exhibit that was being held in one of the most prestigious art galleries in Seoul. And disregarding how Baekhyun was acting now, Jongin knew he was more than happy to support his big brother’s endeavours.

‘It's very fancy stuff,’ the elder had boasted-- claiming he needed to dress to impress in order to keep the Byun name pristine and intact. And dress to impress, he did.




Jongin tries not to get sidetracked by Baekhyun’s very naked chest, embellished with glinting silver chains as it peeks out at him from underneath the lapels of his blazer-- seriously, he thought he said he was going to an art exhibit, not a strip club.

And that wasn't even the worst of it. Because Baekhyun thought it would be just a fantastic idea to pop in some gray contact lenses to compliment his sultry (read: offensive) red smokey eyes. Jongin doesn't realize he’s staring until the elder gives him a gentle slap on the cheek, and chuckles as he says,


“I'll take that as a yes.”


Jongin flusters, “H-huh, what??”


Baekhyun snickers, and redirects his attention to his reflection, further messing up his hair, “I asked you if you thought I looked okay, but you didn't answer… well, not verbally, anyways,”


The brunet flushes before he averts his gaze, and a deep pout shapes his lips, “Y-you're chest're showing too much skin. Don't you think it'll be...distracting to some people--?”


“By ‘some people’… do you mean yourself?”


The tips of Jongin’s ears go red when Baekhyun smirks at him knowingly, like the cocky little bastard he is. The elder moves away from the mirror then, crowding the taller male against the doorframe as he lifts Jongin’s chin with his index finger to lock eyes with him,

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