Don't you dare Pt.2 [M]

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The song has nothing to do with the book but I've obsessed with it recently I honestly love it so much.

Warning(s): Crossdressing, Light bondage, Oral, Hair pulling, Gagging, Manhandling, IT MAY SEEM LIKE HATE SEX BUT IT’S NOT I SWEAR Sehun’s just petty lol


When Jongin wakes up the next morning, he finds it nearly impossible to get himself out of bed. He’s tired-- like, stupidly so-- and despite his phone alarm blaring in his ear, it takes him almost 15 minutes of an internal pep-talk just to convince himself to open his eyes. It’s a Saturday, so school wise, Jongin’s got the day off. But he’s a college student, and one side effect of being a college student includes having to…. ugh, adult on weekends.


As he moves to roll off of his mattress, Jongin hisses when a sharp pain shoots up his spine; a harsh reminder of last night’s far more enjoyable affairs. The recollection colours his cheeks an embarrassed pink, and he shakes his head to dispel any impure thoughts. Baekhyun really was … something else entirely behind closed doors; not that Jongin minded, or would ever, ever complain about it.


He groans, flopping back onto his bed with his face in his hands. If it was up to him, he’d stay in bed for the next week to recover— but then he’d run the risk of the dorm burning down if either Baekhyun or Sehun — God forbid— tried to cook something in his stead.


That in turn then made him realize that he never heard Sehun come home last night.


After fighting with himself for a few more minutes, the brunet rouses from his blankets, tugging on a fresh pair of boxers and one of Baekhyun’s stray hoodies (since he’s basically moved in at this point) before stalking off to see if Sehun had returned without him noticing. He’d checked his phone first, but hadn’t gotten anything from the younger that he hasn’t already seen or replied to. He slips out of his room and scuttles over to the blond’s-- the door still closed like it was when Sehun left yesterday morning. He presses his ear to the wood, then gives it a few gentle wraps with his knuckles, “Sehunnie? You in there?”


When he gets no response, he grips the knob and slowly pushes the door open. He peeks inside, and for some reason is shocked when he finds it empty.


He knew the younger male had to stay out late last night— since he was part of an organized study hall with a few of his other classmates— but he didn’t think the blond was actually going to be out past eleven. Not to mention he already had a hard time believing that Sehun would even study at all, let alone pull an all nighter doing so.


Nevertheless, the brunet decides then that he’s going to be a good roommate— and boyfriend (seriously, he still gets mushy when he thinks about it)— and heads towards their built-in kitchen to make breakfast for him— if he decides to show up any time soon, that is. He only plans on making enough for the two of them, since Baekhyun had to get up early for work, and has already been gone for the past few hours.

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